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"Do you have a suit.?" Jungkook asked as he was looking through the wardrobe.

"Here!" He exclaimed in joy.

Jungkook pulled out navy blue blazer with a red button-up shirt and trousers that were matching with the blazer. He looked underneath the hung up outfits and found the same shoes he saw two years ago.

Jungkook turned around and showed it to Jimin. He looked at it and made this really astonishing expression.

"Ain't that Gucci?!" Jimin stood up and walked close to it.

"Why do I have so expensive clothes?!" He asked, in wonder.

"Because you're the most richest boy in the whole nation." Jungkook chuckled.


"Just wear it!"


Jimin came out the bathroom. He made a little swirl to show his full outfit. He was wearing navy blue blazer with a red button-up shirt, his trousers were matching with the blazer, his shoes were wooden brown and Jimin completed the look by wearing a small hand accessory.

"I'm amazed." Jungkook replies, astonished.

"Really?" He asks as he checked himself in the mirror.

"How do I look?" Jimin asked as he looked into a mirror.

Jungkook noticed an accessory was missing. He walked up to Jimin's mirror that had box of accessories inside. He found the bracelet from the graduation and the birthday bracelet.


He gave both of them to Jimin as he smiled. Jimin accepted them and smiled back. Their eyes were deeply staring into each other without them noticing.

There was a sudden knock on the door. The door widely opened as Baekhyun peaked his head.

"How come you ain't ready?!" Baekhyun began to yell as he saw Jungkook still in his ordinary outfit.

"The ball is about to start!"

"We'll be ready soon, don-" The door was shut before Jungkook could finish his sentence.

Jimin chuckled a little.


Jungkook and Jimin arrived by the school's building. The speakers were blasting out calm christmas songs even outside. Crowds of people were gathered and slowly entering inside.

Meanwhile, to Jimin and Jungkook, it seemed like the two were on red carpet. All of the people had eyes on them and you could see that paparazzi was hiding inside bushes and behind the trees.

At the entrance, they met up with Baekhyun who was ticking everyones names. Also, there was Seongwoo who was just admiring the view of the ball.

Jimin and Jungkook were ticked off and went along. A lightly, upbeat christmas song began to play. The crowd was hyped and danced slowly until the chorus came and everyone was jumping up down, including Jimin and Jungkook.

All of the people began to almost fanchant the song as it was one of the Christmas classics. Jungkook was laughing as he saw Jimin singing happily into the classic. Jungkook decided to join.

(play the song above)
Suddenly, there was a song change. The playlist went from upbeat to a slow song. All of the crowd was combined in pairs and everyone began to slowly dance.

Jungkook looked at Jimin. Jimin looked back at Jungkook. They exchanged a glare before the two, also, glue together. Jungkook placed his arms around Jimin's neck as the older wrapped his hands around the younger's waist, and pulled him closer.

The two tried to slowly dance as they were moving to the calm, lovable song. Jimin tried to stay calm as it was his first ever dance and, so, did Jungkook.

Jungkook gradually leant himself closer to Jimin until their noses were touching; and their heartbeats racing. Jimin closed his eyes as the younger pulled into a kiss. Jimin kissed back and pulled Jungkook closer to him.

The kiss was everlasting. It was as if everyone and everything surrounding them stopped and the two were in slow motion.

"We aren't even together," Jimin comments.

Jungkook leaned in and softly kissed the older. He closed his eyes and so did Jimin. It was so soft that Jimin couldn't even feel the lips of the younger.

"Are we now?"

Jungkook pulled away from the soft lips. The two looked at each other before looking up and seeing white confetti flying everywhere as the last chorus of the slow song began to fade away in ad-lib vocals.

"I love you, Jimin." Jungkook said, in a smile.

It shocked Jimin, but then he smiled. He felt butterflies flying inside of his stomach; his knees becoming weaker by each second he delayed the response.

"I love you too."



this will be my christmas present for y'all since i love yous just like i love jikook. 💕

i wanna thank you for everything. it doesn't matter if you joined before rich boys or even after play boy is completed. i wanna thank you for the support and love i have received for the past eight months throughout these three books.💗

this series was one of my best books i have ever written and the amount of support i received through them is unbelievable: reaching almost 80k views on rich boys; winning multiple awards and even see international readers translating.💖

thank you thank you thank you and once again, thank you for everything. i'll publish more books in the future so please anticipate them💞

author-nim signing off✌️

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