Again with almost dieing

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"KIERSTIN!!! WHY WOULD YOU TREAT THIS MURDER!!! LIKE!! A!! FRIEND!!" Kaitrine exploded her hair catching fire and she stomped forward a step every few minutes because of Ink and UF Papyrus trying to hold her back she didn't make it to far. "Because everyone deserves a second chance!" I shouted at her stepping in front of Red protectively with my arms stretched out to my sides, wincing in the pain in my shoulder as a little more blood dripped out of my cut and stained my shirt and the blue fabric of Sans's sweatshirt. "You are to kind! And frankly STUPID! This fucking skeleton killed you, you dumb-!" I teleported in front of Kaitrine and slapped a hand over her mouth, "Hahahahahaha! Nice save, sweetheart!" Red laughed. My jaw dropped open a bit and I turned my head to look over my shoulder at the two Sans's that were standing behind me. Red was cracking up so he almost fell over and Sans looked......hurt? First things first, I thought walking over to Sans and pulling him into a hug to comfort him like he did so many times for me, Don't worry about that numbskull, I thought reassuringly at him, He can't control what comes out of that big mouth of his.
Okay. Whatever you say, kiddo, Sans thought at me pulling out of the hug and smiling at me, I smiled back and started to walk over to Red who was now laughing so hard he almost fell over. I stood directly in front of him and balled my hand into a fist before punching Red right in the stomach, he stopped laughing as soon as my fist made contact with his midsection. He clutched his midsection and looked directly into my eyes, "Okay," He said quietly before teleporting behind Kaitrine a bit and shouted, "OW! SON OF A B-!" I teleported in front of Red and slapped my hand over his mouth next. He shouted a few more muffled curse words into my open palm before signaling me to remove it, I did slowly and gave him a glare, "What the hell, K!" He shouted at me, "I told you not to call me sweetheart or sweetie ever again!" I shouted at him. I heard Papyrus laughing behind us, and (maybe the worst choice in his life) Red whipped around, his left eye glowing red and shouted, "What are you laughin' at idiot! Your lucky I never told anyone 'bout your stupid-ass crush on that robot!" Red suddenly became aware of what and who he spoke to and said, "Shit, I'm dead!" He whisper-yelled in a panic. Now it was Kaitrine's turn to laugh as Red and I teleported in front of her, "Sans," Papyrus growled stomping up to his brother, "Y-Ya Boss?" He stuttered, "I trusted you!" Papyrus shouted causing Red to wince, "W-Well to b-be fair Boss, messed up shit h-happens in Alphys's lab all the time! She c-could have made, like twelve more robots while w-we were talking!" He held his hands out helplessly, palms up to the sky. "Okay," I said hiding a snicker from Red as I walked between the warring brothers, "Papyrus, give your brother some slack. I mean c'mon he introduced you to me as soon as he could right? Again thanks for not killing me." Papyrus looked down at me his face gentle, "Alright, human. Let's go home." Papyrus said gently giving my arm an affectionate squeeze. "Holy hell, K! How can you change him in a blink of an eye!" Red shouted holding his hand over his chest where his Soul was. I shrugged, "I changed you didn't I?" I asked walking after Papyrus, "Oh Inky. I forgot to ask, why does Cross want my Soul?" I asked my heart starting to beat faster, "Wish I knew Kiery." Ink said shaking his head. The others started walking a bit faster as entered the, highly out of place, Underfell Snowdin, but I slowed down. The sweatshirt on my shoulder started to hurt my cuts and scratches so I took it off for a second when someone grabbed my uninjured shoulder and hoisted me up to their eye level slapping a hand over my mouth keeping me from screaming, I dropped the jacket and got instantly scared without its comfort. A small tear slid down my right cheek, "Wow we got this dumb human to cry!" The monster who grabbed me laughed, "C'mon let's kill this thing already." Another monster growled sinking his claws into my injured shoulder causing it to bleed even more staining his claws red, I let out a muffled scream. The one who grabbed me sank his teeth into my shoulder and I screamed again and started to squirm that's when I sank my teeth into his hand, "Ouch!" He screamed dropping me onto my behind. I clutched my shoulder. Blood dripped down the length of my left arm and oozing up and dripping onto my hand, I started to cry of pain, "P-Papyrus! R-Red! S-Saaans!" I cried tears streaming down my face as blood dripped down my arm onto the snowy ground. I started to get tunnel vision when Papyrus, Red and Ink stepped in front of me, "Leave the kid be punks!" Red shouted, Papyrus just made a pointed bone form and point at the first monsters throat, "Okay were out!" They screamed and bolted. I felt someone gently lift my head, "Hey, kid don't pass out on me okay." Sans said gently lifting me up, my thin left arm dangling limply, "I can't promise anything." I mumbled before blacking out.

Kaitrine's POV

I stared at my friend as she went limp in Sans's arms. I knew I should be mad at her but she looked so helpless in that state, "We need to get her to our house fast!" UF Sans, or Red as Kierstin called him, shouted. Red grabbed mine and his brothers arm and teleported us to their house with Ink and Sans just a second behind with Sans's jacket in hand. Sans and Red rushes into the house with me, Papyrus and Ink after them. Red quickly grabbed a first aid kit and lifted Kierstin's arm gently, Sans refused to let go of her but loosened his grip a bit to let Red help. It surprised me how gentle Red was being, he looked so focused as well. First he rinsed off the wound then he bandages it up to just above her elbow almost instantly the white bandage was stained with red blood. "That's all I can do," Red said backing up, "Let's get some sleep." Everyone nodded and found a place to sleep. Papyrus walked upstairs most likely to his room, Red sat in a chair and propped his sneakered feet up on the table leaning back just a bit, Sans gently laid Kierstin on the couch and cover her with his jacket, Sans leaned his back against the couch refusing to leave Kierstin's side as for me I sat against a wall just a bit away from Red looking at Sans and Kierstin. Oh my fucking God, I shouted internally, One day I'm having a sleepover and playing Truth or Dare. I'm going to make them so miserable. God I'm shipping so hard right now aagghhh! I fell asleep thinking about that amazing Dare I was going to make Kierstin or Sans do.

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