~ Bonus Chapter ~

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*Okay this might be a bit of a longer chapter so hope you enjoy it!*

It had been a month after the big battle with Virus and Glitch and life was going great. Frisk and Chara had moved in with me, and I had moved in with the skeleton bro's, well when I wanted to at least, so did Kait. The gift Sans wanted to give me before the entire AU jumping was a dark purple jacket with a snow white hood. I now barely take it off. I had kind of taken over as the role of 'mom' with the two girls and the others would do there best to make them feel welcome, for Chara she was happy just being appreciated and have an occasional argument with 'the comedian'. Grillby offered me a job and I never wanted to pass up that wonderful offer and took it instantly. I've been working for a month now. And by far my hardest job was being the judge of the town. Yep, 'judge' and protector of our little town, note this is the hardest thing I have ever done, ever, but I manage well. Inspecting Souls of anyone new in the town, seeing if they should be evicted, not my call, the Soul and mayor make that decision, or if they stay unburdened. I have to check anyone new, unless I invite them personally, that rule is the worst to me. But today was different because A. school started back up again, of course every high school kid, including Kait an I, have no school on account of someone blowing it up and B. Its Frisk's 8th birthday. She finally caught up to Asriel and Chara. Now I was sitting on the couch waiting to put my plan into full effect.

Phil POV

"We are so lost." I muttered following the two other YouTubers in front of me, "We are not," Sean protested, "The house is right there!" I rolled my eyes and pointed at Mark who was standing next to Sean looking very intensely at a map, "Ya, after he got us lost for a day and a half." Mark looked up and glared at me, "Shut up. We're here aren't we?" I rolled my eyes again as we walked up to the door. Sean knocked on the door, and caused a loud commotion behind the door.

Crystals POV

I was sitting on the couch waiting for the one person left in this house to wake up, "Kait for crying out loud i'm going to be late for work. Seriously, Sans was up before you." I muttered looking up at the overhang waiting for Kait to wake up. Sans had left early to help everyone set up for Frisk's party. I sighed and closed my eyes prepared to teleport to work without her when a knock at the door woke me out of my thoughts, I slowly opened my eyes and found Kait staring at me from the overhang, very creepily.  I shouted and managed to slide off of the couch and onto my back, Kait burst into laughter and I groaned as she walked down the stairs, "J. E. R. K." I spelled out standing up and advancing to the door, "Hey," I greeted as I opened the door and leaned against the door frame, "What can I help ya with?" The three men outside the door looked slightly confused, "Uh," The one with green tipped hair said, "Were looking for Crystal." I smiled, trying to look non-threatening(and if I'm being honest I didn't need to). "Well that's me," My smile faltered, "Wait. You guys are YouTubers aren't you," I whispered quickly glancing at Kait, "Ya." The one with red tipped hair, and a tiny bit of hot pink showing here and there, whispered back confused, "The mayor never tells me anything anymore. Of course I had to hear this from three 8 year olds rather than him. Argh!" I mumbled exasperated, "Crys," Kait said slowly, Oh dang-nab-it! My mind screamed as Kait stood next to me, "Please tell me that I am staring at Jacksepticeye, Markiplier and Phil Lester and I'm not dreaming." She was close to squealing. I nodded yes and she screamed, "Okay!" I said quickly clapping my hands once, loudly, "If you guys won't mind coming to work with me and Kait here we can continue this discussion there." They nodded. I smiled and placed a hand on Kait's shoulder and she gladly grabbed all three YouTubers arms. I rolled my eyes with a smile and teleported all four of us to Grillby's.

At Grillby's

We landed inside Grillby's just inside the door. Almost instantly I removed my hand from Kait's shoulder and started walking to the counter at the far side of the restaurant and was instantly greeted with "Hey Crys!" And, "'Sup Crys!" And, "Heya Crystal!" I replied with 'Hey's and continued walking until I reached the counter which I hopped over effortlessly. I carefully hung my jacket on the hook behind the counter before gently bumping the fire monster's shoulder as I walked by him and stood next to him. He looked to his left confused and then looked to the right and smiled at me, "Hello Crystal." He greeted. I smiled back, "Hey Grillbz, the place looks great! Did Sans leave to pick the girls up?" I asked. He nodded just as the entire gang walked into the restaurant, "Yo." I greeted them, "Hey punk!" Undyne shouted clapping a blue hand over my shoulder, "Hello, my child." Torial greeted warmly, "H-hi Crys." Alphys stuttered, "Hello, human!" Papyrus shouted, "Hello, darling." Mettaton greeted in his movie voice, I giggled, "Hello, little gem." Gaster greeted. I smiled and returned their greetings before the girls, Asrial, and Sans walked into the building, "Hey kiddo's," I said sweetly as the children sat on the three stools in front of me, I leaned over the counter and ruffled Frisk's hair, "Happy birthday, kiddo." I smiled as she let out a shrieking giggle, "Crystal," Grillby said as Sans sat down on one of the stools closest to me, "Can you check the weather?" I nodded and looked back at Kait who had released Phil, Sean's and Mark's arms and was now bombarding the three with questions. I walked past them and breathed as I passed, "Good luck. Your gonna need it." I smiled as all four started walking over to the counter and I continued to walk to the door.

Phil's POV

"Good luck," Crys breathed as she passed, "Your gonna need it." Then she smiled and walked to the door. I walked with the other three in a daze, What is that supposed to mean? I thought. I hoisted myself onto a stool and turned around to see what they mean by "checking the weather." She gently opened the door and walked out the door just a bit while holding it open, "Looks like a storm is on the way." She said and the whole outside dimmed. Crystal's head snapped to focus as a bolt of lightning illuminated the street and a clap of thunder crashed through the sky. Four figures were illuminated by the lightning along with several groups behind them. Crys screamed leaped back and landed on her butt with a hiss.

Crystals POV

I screamed leaped backwards and landed on my butt with a hiss of frustration and pain. I quickly sprang up and did the first thing that sprung into my mind. Transform. Fox ears appeared on top of my head and instantly flattened against my hair which had turned rusty red, light peach fuzz fur coated my skin giving it a rusty red color, thin black paw pads appeared on my palms and fingertips and finally a rusty red tail with a black tip sprouted at the base of my spine and instantly fluffed up threateningly. I leaped up and let out a low growl as the four figures stepped closer to me, "Woah! Hey please don't growl at the chicken and bears." One of them said raising his hands non threateningly, "And the bunny!" The tallest one said annoyed. I made a comically disappointed/confused look, "Jason! Mason! Jack! You guys scared me half to death!" I growl/shouted, "Crystal!" The blonde shouted jumping into me, wrapping her arms around my neck, and resting her chin in the crook of my neck and shoulder, I stumbled back a bit, "Charlie!" I gasped wrapping my arms around her torso. Charlie and I laughed as we hugged, I haven't seen the gang in weeks. "I happened to have heard it's someone's birthday!" I looked at the source of the voice, it was Mason. He had transformed into a half bear boy, brown peach fuzz fur coated his skin making him brown, bear ears stood on his head and he was wearing a small black top hat. The others transformed as well, Jack turned into a purple bunny, Charlie turned into a yellow chicken and Jason turned into a golden bear similar to Mason. "Well, Frisk," I said letting go of Charlie and turning to the eight year old, "Glad the Freddy Fazbear gang could come to your birthday." I flashed her a toothy grin. She smiled back and flashed Kait and Undyne a knowing look, 'Ya! But only one thing could make this better.' Before I could say 'What?' Charlie and Jason shoved me so I stumbled near the stools, at the same time Kait and Undyne shoved Sans off of his stool and he stumbled into me, "H-hey." I stuttered, blushing a crimson red, he nodded, to flustered to speak, "Oh, for crying out loud! Kiss already!" Jack shouted. I blushed even deeper and turned to shout at Jack before Sans grabbed my wrist gently and pulled me closer to his chest, I let out an embarrassed squeak as several people let out 'awww's. My heart started beating several million miles per hour at what was about to happen next, never in a million years did I think what came out of his mouth next would ever happen, "Kiddo, I can't imagine my world without you," he whispered in my ear, "Will you be my girlfriend?" I could feel his Soul beating as fast as my heart was, I couldn't contain the excitement and disbelief that was building up in my chest, "Yes!" I shouted flinging my arms around his neck.

"Hello? Hey it's Crys. You didn't think this was the end of our story did you? See you next time. See ya!"

*Yo UndertaleFrisk4 here. Do you think Crystals journey with the monsters should end here or should it continue? Let me know. Recommendations and feedback are always welcome. See ya readers in the next story.*

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