Attack on Snowdin

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Crystals POV

I shot up with a small shriek, I was drenched in sweat because of my nightmare, Their getting worse! I screamed internally pressing the heel of my right palm to my forehead and closing my eyes. I felt someone next to me almost instantly, they wrapped their arm around my shoulder, careful not to touch my left shoulder, "Hey, kiddo. You okay?" Sans murmured in my ear, I nodded still shaking. "Uh Sans why can't I move my left shoulder?" I asked trying to move my shoulder with no avail, "When you were attacked," Red said, "The teenage monsters managed to cut a few nerves. You won't be able to move your shoulder until you heal yourself. ACK!" He shouted flailing his arms. He leaned too far back against his chair and fell backwards landing with a loud 'thump' on the floor. "Red! You okay?" I asked getting off of the couch and walking over to him. I held out my uninjured hand to him and he grabbed it with a thankful grunt before I pulled him up, "Glad to see your okay, Kiery." Ink said pulling me into a hug, "Me too," I mumbled into his shoulder, "Hey, Inky where's your brush?" I asked, "My brush? What do you mean, it's on my back as always." Ink said reaching for his brush handle but his hand closed on empty air, "Where's my brush! Ack!" Ink shouted. That paint brush was practically part of Ink's personality, "Sans, can you help me look where we landed?" Ink asked, "Sure, Ink," Sans said grabbing his jacket off of the floor, "Kid, be careful. Okay?" Sans pulled me into a hug, I rested my head on his shoulder, "I will." I said backing up. With a flash of blue both Ink and Sans teleported away, "Aww." Kait said her hands clasped with a wide eyed expression, "Oh be quiet you!" I shouted, "Arg! If only both of my arms worked." I shouted at her grabbing my left shoulder with my right hand, my eyes glowing blue as I healed myself, "So, Human," Papyrus said walking down the stairs and standing in front of me as I finished healing my shoulder, "How is your shoulder?" In response I jumped up and flung both of my arms around his neck surprising him so he fell backward. A bought of laughing echoed around the room as I slipped off of Papyrus, "C'mon guys lets go outside." I said running out of the door with Kaitrine on my heals. I scooped up a handful of snow and lobbed it at Kait, she dodged it and grabbed two handful's of snow before launching them at me. Both snowballs hit me, one in the stomach and the other slipped down the back of my shirt, I yelped at the cold as it melted into my clothes, "J-jerk!" I shouted at her my teeth chattering, "Hey, swee-uh, kid. You okay?" Red asked me. I was shivering violantly, the snow that melted into my clothes was making me even colder and i'm pretty sure my lips were turning blue, "Y-ya. J-just c-cold." I stuttered, "Here." Red slipped off his jacket showing his red turtleneck shirt. He handed me the jacket and I gratefully accepted it, "Thanks Red." I murmured to him. I was about to pull him into a hug when someone screamed, "What. Wait was that Grillby?" I asked, "Yep. K, you and your friend get into the house." Red said shoving me towards the door, "What about you guys?" I asked turning around and eyeing the edgy skelebros worriedly, "Were going to check this new guy out." Papyrus said shooing me and Kait into the house. Once inside the house Kait and I leaped onto the couch and looked out the window. Outside was another skeleton, he looked exactly like Sans except more, dangerous. His hoodie was black with white fabric crossed across his chest, a white belt with a cross on it, black shorts with white crosses stitched onto them, white shoes with crosses instead of laces, a black and white cape, he had one red eye, one white eye and a red scar under his right eye. He was dragging a huge knife through the snow leaving a trail of red in his wake, "Who's that?" Kait asked. She was shaking a little, "That's Cross," I mumbled, "Oh no! Red, Papyrus!" I shouted looking at the two skeletons in front of the house, Don't get killed, please. I thought, "Their gonners." Kait mumbled clenching her hands into fists, "Your worried about them? Aren't you?" I asked her, "N-no!" Kait shouted at me, "Well maybe you should be," I said not taking my eyes away from Red and Papyrus, "Red is a lot like you. And he can be like a protective brother. Just give him a chance." Kait looked back at Red and Pap, "Okay. I'll try." She murmured.

Sans's POV

"So where's the last place you saw the brush?" I asked a very, very worried Ink, "Uh. Oh! Over there!" He shouted diving into the bushes he was behind yesterday, I snorted, "Found it!" Ink shouted, "Now, can I talk to you about something?" Ink asked me, "Uh, sure." I mumbled as Ink walked over to me, "How do you feel about her?" Ink asked me with a serious expression, "About who? Kait?" I asked generally confused, "No. About Kierstin." He said. Hearing her name made my Soul jump in my rib cage, "W-well, I don't know. Uh, I mean she's sweet and smart and determined." I trailed off with a wistful look, "I knew it!" Ink announced, "You love her!" My face dusted a light blue, "What! No! I-I mean! Arg!" I blundered. Then I felt something weird, like I was in a battle. I lifted my hand to hover over my chest right where my Soul was, "Is something wrong?" Ink asked, "Ya. I just feel like somethin' is wrong." Ink jerked back like he remembered something and the thought jumped into my mind too, "Cross!" We shouted. We started teleporting back to the town following a red line carved into the snow, He'd better not have hurt her. I thought as the town came into view.

Crystal's POV

"Out of my way." Cross growled, "I don't think so, buddy." Red growled back, "Get out of our town." Papyrus demanded crossing his arms, "People like you make me sick." Cross stated flinging his knife at Red. I held my breath as it sliced the arm of his turtleneck, "Alright, pal, you just crossed a line!" Red shouted teleporting behind Cross and punching him to Papyrus. Papyrus caught Cross for a second before flinging him at a tree, Cross righted himself and landed on his feet, calling his knife back to his hand. Cross smiled wickedly and threw his knife at Papyrus who had his back turned to Cross, "Pap! Look out!" I shouted at him through the window, but he couldn't hear me, "Bro, look out!" Red shouted teleporting in front of his brother. The knife flew past Red and nicked Papyrus's skull, he started to fall forward his eyes closed when I teleported outside not caring about the danger of the fight. "Papy!" I half gasped half shouted as he collapsed, I gently flipped him onto his back, got onto my knees and propped his head on my lap. I had my hands hovering over the new crack on his scull, he groaned and shifted, "You're gonna be okay Papy." I murmured. About a second later Red was thrown past me and Papyrus, who was just starting to wake up, into a tree where he was buried in a heap of snow, "Red!" I shouted as Papyrus shouted, "Brother!" He instantly lept up and started to fight Cross before I had time to register what he had said, Papyrus hardly ever called Red 'Brother'. I shrugged it off and ran over to the snow heap where Red was buried, I dug him out and gently draped one of his arms over my shoulders, "Thanks." Red mumbled. I was about to reply when I felt Red lean all of his weight against my right shoulder, "Red!" I shouted, shaking him slightly, Did he pass out! I thought in a panic. I looked up about to call Papyrus or Kait, who had rushed out as soon as I teleported outside to help, when I saw Cross's knife flying at me and Red, I'm done for! I thought.

Undertale: The World Gone Wrong (Complete)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum