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*Don't play the music yet!*

I felt just a small bit of energy jump into my body. I was still staring at Sans and the terror trio, the fight was warring on, blood stained the street and I was still held against Gaster's shoulder my breathing becoming more tense, ragged and quick. I quickly lowered my head into Gaster's coat so I didn't have to see any more of the bloody battle, "You feeling stronger up there?" Kait asked, well more like huffed. I didn't blame her, I was about seven feet into the air with my face buried in Gaster's shoulder, "Mmm-hmm." I hummed the response loud enough for everyone to hear. Energy flooded my body, making me feel as strong as I was before Kait and I helped Gaster out of the void/dream world. I risked a glance at the battle on the other side of the magic barrier and slammed them closed again as Sans almost speared B.J's head through with a pointed bone, I groaned and gently pressed my hands to my stomach. Gaster started gently stroking my hair and back murmuring words of reassurance as I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck trying to help him keep me suspended in the air, I could hear the others starting worried conversations except for Kait and Red, who were having a hushed conversation in the corner of the magic barrier. I was getting more and more worried the longer the battle wen't on, Sans had to be getting tired, "Hey, kiddo?" I heard someone ask, I had my face buried in Gaster's coat the entire time so I didn't even talk to the others, Do something you worry wart! I scolded myself. I wiggled my way out of Gaster's arms and dropping to the ground before turning to face Blue, Ink, Papyrus, Red and Kait, most of the friends who made this journey with me, "Ya?" I asked refusing to turn around even though it was deathly silent outside of the barrier. Ink slowly walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my torso, I tensed up for a second before relaxing and wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I felt everyone else walk over, dip down and get into the group hug. I sighed and melted into their grip before hearing something crash into the side of the magic cage. Everyone jumped up and got into a defensive stance behind me, while I was sitting on my legs on the ground, staring at the scene in front of me. Chara launched herself off of the shield at Sans, he had beads of sweat dotting his skull and he looked tired but he kept fighting. I felt tears form in the corner of my eyes before Papyrus scooped me up and pressed my face into his shoulder, I inhaled deeply, smelling cigarette smoke even though he didn't have one in his mouth anymore, and let a few tears fall onto his orange sweatshirt. My hands were sandwiched between our chests and I could hear the tense breathing of everyone next to me, everyone but me was watching, they knew I couldn't handle what might happen. Blue placed a gentle hand on my back, sat down next to his kneeling brother  and started rubbing my back reassuringly while Ink, Gaster, Red and Kait were shouting at the fight, screaming suggestions and how Sans needed to win. Against my will my ears strained to hear the fight. I whimpered as I heard Sans's ragged breathing and pressed myself closer to Papyrus's chest more tears running down my cheeks. That's when I heard it, a loud, deep, ragged gasp and the thump of a body hitting the ground. My eyes shot open and I tried to pull away from Papyrus, who was now standing up. I wiggled out of his grasp and turned to face the origin of the sound, my hands flew up to my mouth and I let out a tear choked sob. 

*Start Music*

Sans was laying face up on the ground, surrounded by a growing pool of liquid determination, his version of bleeding. I ran up to the shield and slammed both palms against it, Chara must have run him through with her knife, "No," I whispered, more tears streaming down my cheeks as the others crowded around me, letting out gasps and sobs. "No," I repeated a bit louder this time, "Sans!" I screamed, banging my palms against the strong magic field surrounding us. I slammed my fists against the magic again and it wavered under my touch, He's getting weaker! I thought panic piercing my skull over and over again. I felt Red wrap his arms around my stomach, lift me up so my feet were lifted off of the ground, and try pulling me away from the edge of the shield, "Kiddo, calm the funk down! You'll hurt yourself!" He shouted almost in my ear, I kicked my legs wildly trying to get out of his grip, "No I won't!" I shouted back, "If I don't get to him soon he could die!" I felt tears fall down my face. Red hesitated before letting me go, as soon as my feet touched the ground I felt my magic flare up, blue flames of magic engulfed my right hand. Several bones sprouted out of the ground and pierced the shield through causing it to disappear, I scrambled over to where Sans was laying and collapsed onto my knees letting out a small whimper. I slowly lifted my hand and gently placed it on his chest, his Soul was beating and mine did a small flip in my chest, he was alive but fading fast. I felt a few tears slide down my face onto his chest staining his shirt grey where they fell; I felt something semi-warm against my cheek. I looked down a bit at Sans, who had 'blood' dripping down his chin, I smiled slightly as he ran his thumb along my cheek, tracing a line along my freckles. "So-ory." He managed to mumble, making his hand drop to save energy, I shook my head, "Don't talk, please. You need to save energy." I managed to tear my eyes off of Sans's bloody form and look around. Cross was hunched over, a shadowy figure hovering over his shoulder, He's hurt too? I thought, Wait, he has half of Sans's Soul! I gently lifted Sans's head and pillowed my arm under it before holding my hand out to Cross. I heard his strangled growl and the other half of Sans's Soul floated calmly above my palm, "Sans hurry, please." I said holding his Soul closer to him. He brushed it gently with his fingertips and it mended itself together, "Oh please work," I mumbled as Sans closed his eyes with a sigh and a full Soul, I gently rested his head on my shoulder and wrapped my arms around his ribs in a kind of hug to keep him steady, "Please," I mumbled barely audible to anyone, even me; then realization crashed into me like a giant tidal wave, "Please," I murmured again, even quieter than last time, "I love you." My voice barely stirred the air and barely made a sound.

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