The Memories

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*Hey Guys this is going to be a bit of a long chapter because I'm going to try to interpret most of the memories Crys has along with a bit of the storyline. I wanted music that was kind of sentimental yet up beat so I chose Hopes and Dreams, if you don't thinks it right for this chapter let me know and leave a suggestion on what you think I should use. Also there are going to be memories from another pacifist run a genocide  run and a run where she I possessed, so, hope you like it. Play the music. *

My eyes went wide, my head snapped up, my pupils dilated and my mind whirled with memories that fitted themselves into place.

*Pacifist Run*

The light shone in my face, dim yet warm but still to bright for the dark surroundings. I blinked, rubbed my eyes with the heels of my palms and looked up. "W-what?" I gasped, I was staring at, me, and a little girl of about 8 with short, brown, bobbed hair, a blue and purple striped sweatshirt, "Ugh," The other me groaned, "Wha- Frisk! Frisk you okay?" She shouted gently pulling the little girl up so she was standing. Frisk smiled nodded and signed 'ya I'm okay' before turning around to look around, "Howdy, I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower. Golly you must be so confused, I guess little old me will have to teach you how things work down here." My head snapped sharply to the voice that nearly ruined everything for me, "I thought I got rid of you!" I shouted walking over to the small yellow flower before waking through Frisk and other me, "What the." I said looking at my translucent hands, "Good lord, sis, your oblivious aren't you. Well more oblivious than you used to be huh." A voice chirped from next to me. I looked at the floating, translucent figure next to me, "Glitch?" I asked, the unfamiliar name tasting weird on my tongue and coming out as a sharp question. "Ah you do remember me hmm. Sister." She hissed, "No. Stop calling me sister." I hissed back looking back at the other me and Frisk. They were already heading towards the Ruins with Torial. I followed, occasionally batting away Glitch and watching as both me and Frisk spared everyone they came across. The time came when they had to leave, I watched approvingly as they spared her and left without harming anyone, "Boring!" Glitch yawned, "Oh shut it." I hissed at her as we followed the two girls to the bridge where I had met Sans. "Here he comes now." I said watching Sans walk slowly to the scared girls, "See Glitch I told you they are pacifists." I said as smugly as I could, poking her in the chest just below her collarbone, "Whatever." Glitch spat. I laughed and we followed the two on their entire journey through the underground until they broke the barrier. That's when the trouble started. "Frisk, please don't reset. Please. Remember our friends won't remember us. Please I love this." Other me pleaded. Frisk shook her head, her brown eyes turning red 'no,' she signed, 'I wanna try
G E N O C I D E.' Other me and I gasped at the same time as Frisk's palm slammed down on the reset button, "Why Frisk." I mumbled as the world around me turned black.

*Genocide Run*

I was looking into the same beam of light as before and everything looked the same including the two girls who were now rubbing their heads. But- Frisk- her sweatshirt was light green with one large yellow stripe around her stomach, her hair was lighter and her eyes were red. "Ah!" The Other me screamed, "Frisk, wha-what did you do?" Frisk looked at Other me and smiled, "I reset, idiot, I want Genocide. Don't try to stop me. Oh and call me C H A R A." I shuddered. I remembered this, as clear as day. "Now this is more like it." Glitch said cheerfully. I gulped and followed the two. Glitch and I watched as Chara killed everything in sight, as Other me tried meekly to stop her and as Chara killed Torial. Other me walked out crying into her hands and Chara stomped confidently in front of her. After meeting Sans again Chara, with a straight face, stomped forward while Other me stayed behind with Sans, her face grim. "Stay calm kiddo, I'll do something about her if it kills me." He mumbled, "It will. And that's what I'm afraid of." Other me mumbled before walking after Chara, "See fun." Glitch sneered, I shook my head and continued to follow them. I watched in horror as Chara killed everyone, everyone I knew, everyone I cared about, until they reached the Judgment Hall. Sans gave his whole speech, that used to be an unused joke between us. Sans had turned for a brief moment and Chara took that opportunity to launch herself forward. I slammed my eyes closed so I didn't have to watch but I heard a different cry of pain. My own. My eyes flew open and I watched as Other me fell to the ground, let out her final breath and turned into dust. "Show me the next memory." I begged before the whole world went black again.

*P0S3s3d RUЍ*

For the last time I took in the dim light that was shining from the hole above. But this time was more different than the other. It was just me. Other me looked around and let out a shout of relief before lying flat on her back again, "H3lL0ѡ." A glitchy voice greeted Other me. She looked up and smiled brightly, the translucent figure in front of her extended a hand for her to take, she happily took it and stopped. The translucent figure was absorbed into Other me while Other me was extracted and became ghost like. "Ah, the good old days aye Crystal." Glitch sneered as Other me and Past Timeline Glitch started a whole argument. I only dragged my attention back to them when I heard, "Failure" My eyes went wide, "Your a total failure. Genocide is fun idiot. Now if you'll excuse me I have a killing spree to go on." Glitch and I, once again, started after translucent Other me and my possessed body. It was just like the Genocide route, Glitch killed everyone and everything and when we got to the Judgement Hall she killed Sans in a heartbeat. Other me had broken down bawling, her palms pressed to her eyes and her face buried in her hands, "Well bye bye crybaby." Glitch sang before starting forward again. A wall of dusty blue bones appeared right in front of my possessed body and a small chuckle came from Other me's throat, "Hey Glitch," she chuckled, "You didn't notice Sans could see me. Did you. He told me to absorb his soul as soon as he was gone. Well," She looked up one eye glowing yellow and blue, "It's time for you to h a v e  a  b a d  t i m e." I smiled as Other me finally found her power and started attacking Glitch, I looked at the translucent Glitch next to me, "Ha. Now I remember. I took the reset button from you." When I looked back I saw the bright yellow reset button in front of Other me before her palm slammed down on the button. And the world went black. But- but I was still here. "I am sorry, little gem." I heard someone mumble. I looked back at just the right time, I saw Gaster put a gentle hand on Other me's forehead. She let out a small gasp before the whole world went black again.

I was looking down, my eyes still dilated. Someone was gently shaking my shoulder and I could feel the others crowded around me, I must have been like this for a while. Only moving my eyes I looked up at Chara, a slow smile fitting its self on my face. As fast as a whip I flung my right hand up, several dusty blue bones sprouting up in front of Chara, "Long time no see," I said, a small chuckle forming in my throat, "Stop being a coward and show who you really are Glitch."
"Wow. You remember. Whatever you say.
S I S T E R." Chara growled. B.J and Chara radiated with a yellow light and a small white light appeared in the center. I stood up, squared my shoulders and had Gaster lower the shield. The wind blew my hair back making it whip the air behind me, the lights reflected in my glasses and my face was stone cold anger. These two have almost killed the people I cared about, and in another timeline they have succeeded. I felt the others cluster around me and my protective instinct flared up. I knew I couldn't kill B.J and Chara but I could get rid of them. And I knew someone who would gladly take them off my hands.

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