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Kaitrine's POV

"I'm sorry, Hip-who now?" I asked. "Dancetale Sans." Ink replied walking faster, "So a me that dances?" Sans asked, his eyes - eye sockets? - scanning the nearby faces of all the brunette girls, most likely looking for Crys. Red just let out an amused huff, "Where we going anyway, art boy?" Red asked looking around, I could see he was amazed, "First time on the surface?" I asked nudging him sideways, "Well, ya." Red admitted looking forward again. I looked at him and let out my own amused huff, Red looked at me and smiled, "To answer your question, we're going to Grillby's." Ink said turning around and walking backwards a bit, "Ugh," I groaned, "Let me guess, it's a kind of dance bar?" I asked immediately regretting what came out of my mouth, "Yep!" Ink replied cheerily turning around again. I slapped an open palm to my forehead, "Arg! No!" I mumbled, "What can't dance?" Red asked with a smirk, "Well kinda," I replied, "Can you?" I smirked as Red's smirk dropped into a frown, "Sh-shut up!" He shouted looking away, "Don't worry edgy-me, I can't either." Sans said smiling back at us. We walked for several more minutes before finally reaching Grillby's, Okay here we go. I thought as Ink pushed open the door revealing a large light up blue dance floor, a bar on the right side of the building and a DJ booth up a small flight of stairs. "Wow. Kierst would have loved this." I mumbled looking around. I had taken a few steps into the building before someone bumped into my left shoulder, "Watch it!" We growled at each other, "Great," The boy who ran into me laughed, "Another wannabe." I looked at him confused, "Excuse me?" I asked with usual sass. The boy just laughed and walked away, I snorted and cocked my head when someone put a hand on my shoulder. I whirled around only to face a girl about my age, her face was hidden in a shadow beneath her very colorful hat, she was wearing a dark blue hoodie, jeans, and plain white shoes. "Woah," She said holding up her hands, "Sorry, girl. Anyway sorry about Taylor he thinks he's the best dancer here." She shoved her hands into her jean pockets. She gave a lax smile that wrenched my heart a bit, Kierstin used to smile like that. I thought, "Yo, you okay?" I just realized I was frowning when the girl shook my shoulder a bit. She smiled again at all of us and nodded at the bar, "C'mon let's relax a bit. Don't worry, teenage friendly drinks." The girl said winking at all of us. I smiled at her, she was so much like my best friend. We walked over to the bar and the girl sat instantly next to someone in a dark purple sweater, black sweatpants and purple high tops. She punched him gently in the shoulder and he turned in the seat, my mouth dropped open, of course this mystery girl was friends with the skeleton we needed to see. "Hey, Hoodie." Dancetale Sans said to the girl, "Sup, Hip-Hop," She said patting the seat next to her,  "Yo, c'mon. Ain't ya gonna take a seat?" She asked. Sans sat a seat away from the girl leaving me to sit next to her, "I'm Kaitrine by the way." I said holding out my hand, "Hoodie." The girl said taking and shaking my hand. Hoodie? I thought, "Ha! Hun, you don't know how much I get that look. Hoodie's my nickname because of the hoodie I wear." Hoodie said letting go of my hand with a laugh. I found myself laughing too and so was Sans, "Giggle Buddies." Red mumbled from his spot against the wall, "Oi watch who your talking to. I may be chill but I can still beat your butt," Hoodie said giving Red a playful glare, "Hey Grillbz," Hoodie called over the now blaring music, "Can I get the usual, please." Grillby slid a bottle down the length of the bar into her waiting outstretched hand. She caught it and pulled it closer to her, "Thanks!" She called to him before lifting the bottle to her mouth. I laughed at what her drink was, "Ketchup!" I half shouted half laughed, "A kid after my own Soul." Sans joked from my other side laughing as well. Hoodie lifted her hand and wiped the ketchup off of her top lip with her sleeve with a smile, she was about to say something when the music suddenly screeched to a stop and someone shouted, "Hey, ketchup guzzler! Let's prove who's the best!" The voice was familiar, "Hmm?" Was Hoodie's only response, "Unless," The boy on the other side of the room said, "The girl can't really dance." That got Hoodie's attention, "Excuse me, what?" Hoodie asked jumping off of her seat to face Taylor, the boy who had bumped into me on the way in, "I said, you can't dance." Taylor said crossing his arms. All at once everyone that I recognized was next to Hoodie, Hip-Hop or Dancetale Sans, Mettaton EX, Alphys, Papyrus and Undyne. Undyne and Hip-Hop started forward but we're stopped by Hoodie putting her arms across their chests stopping them, "Okay, Taylor, I'll bite. What kind of style?" Hoodie asked gently lowering her arms, "Duh, breakdance and hip-hop." Taylor said, "Ooh, breakdance. I'm not very good at that." Hoodie said with an unreadable expression. "You first." Taylor said gesturing to the empty dance floor, "Alright. Hip-Hop, Alphys follow me." Hoodie said stepping onto the floor with the other two. "Alright let's get the music started!" The DJ announced and a song started playing, How Long by Charlie Puth. 
*Play the video. This is the dance Hoodie, Alphys and Dancetale Sans do. Hoodie dances like the one in the light grey and white long sleeve shirt.*

After the dance Alphys and Hip-Hop walked off of the stage leaving Hoodie with the breakdancing group on the other side of the floor. As soon as they finished they walked off of the stage, "Beat that girly!" Taylor shouted at Hoodie. Hoodie took a deep breath and pulled her hat so the bill was facing sideways, and started doing a hip-hop style dance to Payphone.
*Hoodie dances like the the one on the left*

As soon as she stopped dancing she re-adjusted her cap and the whole crowed burst into fits of clapping and whistling. Taylor stomped around in a fit of anger before stomping up to Hoodie who had her back turned to him and was talking to Hip-Hop. Taylor was directly behind her before he swung his fist at her head, Hoodie's hand shot up and she caught his arm just before he punched her, "No need to be a sore loser." She stated letting his hand drop to his side. Taylor growled, and walked away as did Hoodie who walked over to us at the bar with Alphys and Hip-Hop right behind her. She let out a tired breath before sitting down, "So, you guys know yet?" She asked, "Know what?" I asked cocking my head with a suspicious look. Everyone said something but I didn't pay attention, my eyes were glued to Hoodie. She lifted the bill of her hat and set it on the bar behind her. I let out a loud shriek mixed with an excited squeal before tackling the girl in front of me off of her bar stool onto the ground. Her brown hair flowed out like an explosion as we landed on the floor, her blue eyes bright as she wrapped her arms around me, her blush lips quirking into an insanely happy smile on her freckled face and her scar shone like a transparent tear trail down her cheek. "I knew you guys would find me." She shouted over the music, "We would never stop looking for you," I told her fiercely, "Crystal, your our best friend!"

Undertale: The World Gone Wrong (Complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon