Bloodtale Crystal!

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Im a gonner! I thought pulling Red a little closer. I was still staring at the knife flying towards me and Red, I closed my eyes preparing for the worst when I saw something:


☹♓◊❇️♏■  ❇▣    ◉♏️
(Listen to me)

What? How can I understand you? Who are you? You know what explain later, what are you telling me?

☞▣♍️◆◊  ▣■  🔲❐▣◊♏♍◊♓■☝
☀♏≏   ♋■≏   ♒▣●≏   ▣◆❇️   ⍓ ▣◆❐   ♒♋■≏
(Focus on protecting Red and hold out your hand.)

The voice was garbled and rushed as if it was panicking. I could sense it retreating into the depths of my mind, so I guess that was the end of the conversation. I started to focus on protecting my unconscious, and very, very, heavy friend with my eyes still closed. I didn't care about my well being anymore, I only cared about protecting Red, that's when I opened my eyes and held out my left hand. I gasped in surprise as a green heart appeared in front of me and Red, surrounding us in a green shield. Green, I thought, but my Soul is red. I didn't pay anymore attention to the color, my eyes were stuck to the knife as it bounced off of my shield, into the snow, and flew into Cross's hand. As soon as it happened I dropped the shield and dropped onto my knees, gently resting Red's head on my lap, as soon as I did I could feel cracks spreading across the back of Red's skull. It's official, Cross wants someone dead. But who? He clearly didn't think this would happen to Red. I thought as I healed Red. I snatched my hands back as Red gasped and shot up his left eye glowing dangerously, "Here! Thanks! Be careful! See ya!" I shouted, the words slipping out of my mouth in a hurry as I thrust Red's jacket into his arms and bolted off, "K! Kid! Crystal!" Red shouted after me but he sounded far away. "Finally," Cross said crossing his arms across his chest, "Now I can do this!" He jumped at me as I bolted over to Kait and Papyrus, who were protecting a few stray people from Cross. I rolled underneath him and jumped up, but that escape was short lived. Cross snared my Soul with his magic and pulled me to him his eyes inches away from mine, the cold tip of his knife against my midsection. Cross smirked before impaling me with his knife. But strangely I didn't die, I started to change. The knife slid back out of my skin and left no marks, a blinding light surrounded me as I began to change into something of my nightmares. The scar on my cheek opened up again leaving a trail of blood, the cuts I had gotten from fighting Red a few weeks ago opened up again as well, my left arm dangled limply at my side as the wound I had just healed reopened, and worst of all a gaping hole opened up in my midsection, the same place Red had impaled me weeks before. I could feel my irises turning red and my brain start to grow blank, the last thing I saw was Sans, Red and Ink teleport next to Kait, their faces masks of terror. Sorry guys, I thought, I don't think I can come back from this one.

Kaitrine's POV

Papyrus and I turned to Cross once we shooed the villagers into shelter, only to be blinded by a very bright white light. I looked up, squinting my eyes so I could see what the source was. My eyes went wide and I actually screamed at what I saw, Crystal, my best friend, was a bloody, gory mess with a murderous smile. "I'm gonna throw up." I groaned holding my stomach, it wasn't because I was scared, or because of the blood, it was because my best friend, the biggest chicken I know, looked like a fucking zombie! I felt heat against my skin and heard snow crunching below foot, so I looked up. Red, Ink and Sans were next to me their faces masks of terror, not unlike my own, "He's gonna pay." Sans growled under his breath, I could almost see his clenched fists inside his pockets. Red's eye was glowing as he waited for the light to dim before he attacked Cross, Sans was doing the same, and Ink, well, frankly he looked like he was about to throw up, but he stood tall and waited. Papyrus has his teeth clenched and was growling, while I was looking at my friend horror stricken. The light was gone and Crystal was lowered to the ground; the snow under her feet making a crunching sound and staining with blood. "Well. Now I guess Undertale Crystal is Bloodtale Crystal." Crystal said smirking, bringing a knife level with her eye so she could look at us from the reflection. Without warning Papyrus leaped at Crystal, a bone with a pointed end in his hand. Crystal glitched, returning to normal and looked at Papyrus horror stricken, "Papy! Wait it's me," She shouted holding her hands up scared, Papyrus stopped just a bit away looking at Crystal gently, "It's me," She suddenly turned back into "Bloodtale" Crystal and teleported in front of Papyrus, her eyes turning all black and oozing a black liquid leaving mascera-like stains under her eyes, "Y O U R  B E S T  F R I E N D!" She smiled wickedly and rested her hand on his chest, almost gently, using one of her powers, I didn't know which, to launch him backwards. Papyrus landed on his back, slid backwards a little, rolled over his head and landed back on his feet. "My turn," Red growled teleporting just in front of Crystal and picking her up by the shirt collar, "Wow, Red. Plan on killing me again?" Crystal asked with a smirk. Red looked at the hole in her stomach and winced, Do something Kaitrine! I screamed at myself but I couldn't move, I was frozen in place, "That's right, Edgy I remember everything!" She shouted slamming her feet against Red's chest, sending him flying backwards into me. I landed on my back with Red on top of me, "Ow! Red, get the hell off of me!" I shouted, "No can do, Kait." Red panted, Crystal must have knocked the wind out of him. I adjusted my position just in time to see Ink land flat on his back on the snow just a few inches next to my head, "Sans! Hey, idiot! Do something!" I shouted at Sans trying to get him to move. He shook his head and looked at the snow just below Crystal. His smile was more forced than ever as he held out his left hand, his left eye flaming blue and lifted Crystal off of the ground with his magic, surrounding her in a blue aura. He teleported just below her snatched whatever he was looking at off of the ground and teleported back to his original spot, Wow Sans that surly turned her back to normal. I thought with an internal eye roll, "Hey!" Crystal screamed throwing her knife by Sans's feet by accident, "Let me down you stupid comedian!" Sans winced and jerked backwards his eye turning back to normal. Crystal landed on her feet and looked more angry than ever, "You'll regret that, Sans!" She screeched the knife flying back into her hand, "Sorry, kiddo. I just needed to get this first." Sans said holding out his hand. I gasped at what I saw, it was Crystal's locket, "Ha! What will that do!?" Crystal cackled as Sans slipped the locket over his head, the locket bounced against his chest as if it belonged there as well as on Crystal. I could see Crystal calming down but her eyes started to water, she reached up with a confused look and wiped away a stray tear, "What?" She asked herself. She's still in there! But we have to fight her to draw her out. I thought.

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