Good Going Crys. Now Your Parents Know.

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I was still sitting with my legs tucked underneath me, my pant legs were stained red, and I was slowly rocking back and forth with Sans's head still resting on my left shoulder. I rested my chin on his shoulder and closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing before I felt something. A small pulse against my chest, right over my heart. I was confused but I felt a boney, yet warm hand against the back of my head, "Man, kiddo, you have really small shoulders." I let out a half sob half laugh, "Ya. Not a lot of muscle on my bones." I sob-laughed into Sans's shoulder as he laughed with me. "Um, kiddo?" Sans asked, his grip relaxing a bit, "Hmm?" I hummed, "Whats going on there?" I looked over my shoulder, my scarred cheek resting on Sans's cheekbone. My cheeks dusted red and his blue but I didn't care; my eyes went wide, "Uh Gaster," I shouted over to the others, "What the heck man!" A green shield was surrounding every building and my friends, "What?" He asked. He had a green glow around his hands, "I was protecting everyone with the same shield while my energy was draining and you could have helped me." I stated, forgetting everything about Chara and B.J. "Sorry. I was busy helping you." He replied, "K! Look out!" Red shouted pointing behind me. Without even looking behind me I teleported into the shield, my arms still wrapped around Sans's ribs and his around mine. Hesitantly, I let go of Sans and turned around, "Come on! Fight!" Chara screamed her knife in the spot where I was moments ago. I felt my blood boil, They almost killed him. Well them. I thought, looking from Sans to Cross; Cross looked exhausted, and a small amount of blood stained his white shirt, "Get up!" A furious voice hissed at him, "Ugh! Never mind! I'll help them on my own!" I was wondering who in the world was yelling at poor Cross, but that thought was soon forgotten when I looked back to Chara, tracing the scar on my cheek from her knife. I looked behind me: Blue had an arm wrapped around Sans's shoulder, helping him stand; Papyrus was standing behind them with a hand on Blue's shoulder; Ink was standing next to Gaster with wide eye-sockets; Gaster was muttering something under his breath as he fished for something in his coat pocket and Red was standing protectively in front of Kait who was trying to curse under her breath. Oh just kill them, A voice in my head murmured, Remember the good times we had that one run? I shook my head trying to clear out the voice, Other run? I'm losing my mind. I thought tapping my temple once before returning to my previous train of thought. Okay what am I going to do? I thought tapping my foot against the ground. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a small flash in one of the buildings, curious, I tilted my head to get a better look without being too conspicuous and my jaw nearly hit the floor. Tensing every muscle in my body, trying not to show that I had seen them, I quickly looked at my feet and hoped they didn't recognize me. My parents. "Shoot, shoot, shoot." I mumbled in rapid succession trying not to be audible enough so that my parents could hear, even though I felt like screaming, "Hey, Kierst," Kait asked patting me on the shoulder, "Ya?" I asked, "Aren't those people your parents?" She asked waving at the couple behind the window, I facepalmed,  "Yes. And now they know I'm being chased by megalomaniacs, a crazy, possessed monster, am friends with a murderer, and have powers. I bet I'll get killed and reset in front of them too. Great." I sunk down to the ground, could this day get any worse? "Aha! Found them." Gaster suddenly shouted causing me to instinctively jump up, "Found what?" I asked, Oh lord, they also heard my "Gaster is like a father figure" talk. Way to go ding-a-ling. I thought. Gaster said nothing, just tossed two microchip like objects at me, "Great. What are they?" I asked. "Break them and you'll see." He replied, "Both of them?" I asked, he nodded. I shrugged turned around and threw them onto the ground, "Well here goes nothing." I mumbled. I let my magic flow through my body and flung out my right hand. The microchips were flung into the air, I concentrated and fired a small jet of flames at them, they turned into ash almost instantly. Then – then the memories started flowing back.

UndertaleFrisk4: Uh why did I let you name the chapter?

Kait: Cuz you looove me? And I was there so who wins?

UndertaleFrisk4: I hate you.

Kait: Keep dreaming and maybe one day you can.

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