The Girl You Think I am

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*Don't play the song yet.*

The Nightmare

I was running through a dark void. My heart was pumping, my Soul was hammering in my chest and my feet pounded painfully on the pitch black floor, Wait why am I running? I thought not remembering how I got here, Last thing I remember is falling asleep. I thought before instantly forgetting that train of thought as I heard someone else's footsteps, barley audible on the smooth floor. My hair brushed against my neck and swayed out in front of me, wait my hair was...purple and bobbed? I looked down and saw a sharp knife clutched in my fist, with a squeak I threw it down and ran past it before being picked up off of my feet and flung against a wall. I opened my eyes only to see myself surrounded by a blue aura, I felt instantly relieved as Sans stepped into the light, "Sans!" I cried excitedly. Sans looked up at me and my blood ran cold, his white pinprick pupils were gone, leaving empty eye sockets that were full of malice, "S-sans?" I asked. He turned his malicious smile up to me and let me drop a bit before the blue aura around me vanished and Sans grabbed my throat and slammed me against the wall again not even bothering to use his magic. My head barked painfully against the obsidian black material  and I gently grabbed Sans's arm, "Sans wha-what are you doing? It's me!" I sputtered, "Like i'll fall for that again." Sans growled, shooting me a look full of daggers. I was about to ask him what he meant by that when I noticed my locket around his neck, I risked a glance at my hands, still gripping Sans's arm, they were covered in dust and blood, "You killed everyone," Sans growled, "I'm just here to avenge everyone I cared about." With that he snapped my neck.

End Of Nightmare

I shot up with a sharp gasp, my locket bouncing on my chest. I looked at my hands, no trace of blood or dust. I let out a shaky sigh and pulled my hand close to my chest, "Kid, you okay?" Sans asked quietly, I could feel him turning around to face me so I turned around too, "Let me guess, it was that nightmare again?" He asked me, I nodded. I had never told him what the nightmare was about but he always knew when I had that stupid nightmare. Sans wrapped his arms around my shaking figure, I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder, a few tears seeping through his sweater, my hands still pressed against my chest. Sans pulled away from the hug and I hung my head my eyes still closed when something happened. My eyes flew open, Sans had pressed his teeth against my forehead, his version of a kiss. My mouth dropped open a little and I hugged my body tight as he pulled away, "How 'bout you go to the roof and get some fresh air?" He suggested softly, I nodded looking up at his bright blue face before standing up and quietly walking out the door closing it with a soft clink. The roof was the place I always went to, to clear my mind anywhere I went. I climbed to the flat part of the roof and sat down, pulling my knees to my chest, Why did he? I thought still thinking of how Sans kissed my forehead, Well I guess I do kiss him on the cheek. I shrugged it off and started to doze off into a nightmare free sleep.

The Dream

I sat up and stretched my arms. "Greetings, my little gem." A voice said echoing off of the white walls. I shot up and looked around, I was surrounded by white on all sides. I turned around and saw the source of the voice, he was a tall skeleton, about 6 feet tall, with a crack over left eye going up his scull and a crack under his right eye going down his cheek with white pinprick pupils like Sans. He was wearing a grey turtleneck shirt under a black kind of lab coat that was as long as he was tall, black pants that ended just below the ankle and pure black shining shoes. "Hello," I greeted walking just a bit farther towards him, "Excuse me for asking but, who are you?" The skeleton cocked his head at me before seemingly remembering something, "Sorry, my little gem, but I have forgotten that you have not met me properly," He apologized before symbols appeared in front of me and the skeletons voice was hushed and garbled,
"☀♏❍♏❍♌♏ ❍♏ ✦✍" He asked. I looked at him in awe, "Your the one who saved me in Underfell! Now I remember you." I cried bounding over to him and holding out my hand, "I am Gaster." He said taking my hand before letting go, "I'm-" I started before being cut off by Gaster, "Crystal or Kierstin. I know." I looked at him confused. Gaster signed for me to follow him and I scrambled after him, because of his long strides it was hard for me to catch up, Man he has to be as tall as Papy. I thought as Gaster stopped and looked at one of the walls, I looked too and gasped, it was one of my memories. I was sitting in Sans and Papyrus's old house with my laptop resting on my lap when Sans walked in and sat next to me, "Watcha writin'?" He had asked, I jumped a little until I realized it was Sans, "Oh hey. Nothing at the moment. Writers block." I had said looking up at face, "Well," He had said in his 'This girl needs help' tone, "I was gonna go to Grillby's. Wanna come?" I had almost answered, no thanks, when something had stopped me, "Think little gem," A voice had whispered to me, "What's more important to you? Writing? Or being with them, your family?" I never thought it was weird that a voice was helping me with some difficult choices but now I knew what it was. "You were the one helping me. The one silhouette that was never filled. That was you." I finally said turning to Gaster who had walked behind me, "Yes little gem. But now I need you to do something for me." He replied seriousness crossing his face, "Okay," I said, "What is it?"

"I need you to take these," He said holding out two small gems. They were in no particular shape, but they were beautiful none the less. One was rose gold with a firey-orange hue and the other was bright lightning blue,

*Start The Song*

"They hold an amazing power only you and Kaitrine can control." Gaster said even more serious than before. I paled, "I'm sorry I cant." I said pushing the gems away with tears in my eyes, "Why not?" Gaster asked confused. "I'm not the girl everyone thinks I am." Gaster looked confused, "What? Of course you are."

"No i'm not. I'm not strong, i'm not fast and i'm not as fearless as I let on. I'm scared of everything, I second guess things. I guess what i'm saying is, i'm scared." I said tears streaming down my face, "You are strong, you are fast, you are fearless. I know you will make me proud." Gaster said gently wiping tears from my face. I hiccuped and looked at him, "I may not be a father figure to you or your actual father but remember I will always think of you as a daughter. Remember your strong, your beautiful, your smart and your brave, you have friends by your side that love you," He gently put a hand under my chin and made me look at his eyes, "You are the girl we think you are. And we are all proud of you." I started to cry more and Gaster gently removed his hand from under my chin knealing down to my level, and I jumped and wrapped my arms around his neck crying into his lab coat, "I wan't to be the girl everyone thinks I am but I don't know how to. I just wan't to make everyone proud of me." I sobbed. Gaster gently stroked my hair and back, "You make us all proud every day, my little gem," He gently pulled me out of the hug and looked into my grey blue eyes behind my glasses, "We know who you are. You are the girl we think you are. Never forget that." I let out a small sob and wrapped my arms around his neck again, "Okay. I'll do it." I said quietly. Gaster and I hugged for a bit longer before we pulled away. Gaster gently dropped the two gems into my hand and smiled at me, I smiled back, "Thank you," I said feeling the world tremble as I woke up, I balled my hand into a fist around the gems, "Dad." The last word left my mouth as the world started to fall and I saw Gaster's face. He looked shocked, happy and proud, "I'll see you daughter!" He shouted as the world collapsed.

End Of The Dream

I woke up and looked at the two beautiful gems in my hand, "Don't worry Gaster," I whispered looking at the sunrise, "I'll make ya proud."

*Let the song play out till it ends*

That's when I felt the ground shake. My perch on the roof shook as well and I looked around the corner of the roof and that's when I saw them, Cross, B.J, and Chara all lined against the horizon. I hissed, "Well Gaster, looks like i'll prove myself sooner rather then later." I mumbled climbing down the house to wake my family and prepare them for the battle ahead, We may have won the battle, I thought, But now it's time for the war.

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