Kait Saves The Town...Well...Most Of It

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*Okay before I start the chapter I wanted to show you what in my mind the characters look like. I made Virus by myself and got Frisk, Chara and "Glitch" AKA Betty from Glitchtale from the internet so no copyright intended. Glitch up above and Frisk, Chara and Virus below. Anyway enjoy the chapter!*

 Anyway enjoy the chapter!*

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After I spoke I watched as B

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After I spoke I watched as B.J separates into two people. One was a small girl with bobbed brown hair, black flats and a blue and purple striped jumper, the other was a tall and lanky boy, about my age, with tussled grey hair, milky white eyes, black skin (and I mean charcoal black) and dark jeans and a black hoodie. I recognize him as Glitch's twin Virus. Chara also separated into two people. One was the usual pink tipped, bob haired, pink long sleeved top with a purple chest area, pink skirted, brown tights, brown boots and light skinned, pink eyed snarky, evil brat I knew. Glitch. The other was an identical version of the first girl but with a green jumper with one yellow stripe across her stomach, lighter skin and lighter hair. I cracked my neck and lunged forward.

Kait's POV

Before I could register what came out of Crystals mouth she launched herself at the  new people standing in front of us and the two unconscious girls on the ground in front of her. "What the hell is she talking about!" I screamed at the only person I could think of, Sans. He just gave me a nervous smile and shrugged, but I could tell he knew. I crossed my arms, stood on my tip-toes and leaned a small bit closer to his face, "If you don't tell me right this second you will end up with more than a few broken bones. So, tell. Me. Now." He flinched off of Blue's shoulder and winced, "Ow. Okay. Ow. Okay. I give." He mumbled. A loud thump interrupted us and everyone turned to look at Crys, who was upside down, and stuck to part of the shield on the building near where her parents were. A Crystal size indent was imprinted in the shield as her body slowly peeled off of the shield and landed face first onto the cement. I let out an 'ow!' noise and ran over to her, knelt next to her head and tapped the back of her skull, "Uhm are you okay?" I asked. Her hand shifted she held a thumbs up letting out a muffled 'okay' before pushing herself upright, her face covered in several cut and she spat out several rocks. "That seems uncomfortable," I said, "And why is Sans complaining about still being hurt? I thought you healed him." I asked, "My healing power is a difficult process," She explained standing up, "Its like healing normally but you can move around more. He's still at risk of it re-opening if he moves around too much." She tilted her head the slightest bit and a pink sewing needle-like thing (that was very sharp mind you) implanted itself in the shield right by Crystals head. She looked annoyed. "Now if you'll excuse me," She turned back to the two kids she was fighting and shouted, "C'mon Glitch I thought you were a better aim!" Before launching herself forward and disappearing into the fight once more. I turned on my heels and walked back to the gathered group, "Uhm," I started, Shoot what's his name again? I thought, "Gaster?" I tried. To my relief he turned around, "Yes?" He asked, "You might want to put a shield up again before one of us gets pierced through." I said walking over to Red and leaning on his shoulder as we were surrounded by green once again. A loud shriek shot through the air as the pale girl woke up, she stood up and looked around wildly. She looked terrified. "Oh shoot!" I shouted, "Am I still ducking censored!" I grabbed my head and let out a groan, "Yep!" Crystal shouted running over to the gathered crowd and scooping up the two girls in the process before running into the shield and bumping into US Papyrus as a stop. "Uh," she said as she gently lowered the pale girl and gave Gaster the still unconscious girl, her eyes darting over to where Cross was, "Be back in a flash." She stood up and rushed out once again but immediately backpedaled as two of those needle things landed right in front of her. She let out her signature squeak of a scream, "Woah! Woah! Woah!" She shouted nearly landing on her back. "Greetings." Someone said, Crys looked annoyed again, "Oh stay out of this Chara!" She shouted, "Something we can agree on." The boy with black hair said piercing Chara through with his black needle and taking what was left of his Soul. Crys looked relieved and scared, "Cross get ready!" She shouted over to the wounded skeleton, whom didn't move from his spot. Crys quickly teleported over to him, placed a hand on his shoulder and teleported back to the group. I couldn't help myself and I just exploded, I got right into her face and shouted, "Why the hell would you bring this beach here! He tried to ducking kill you for gods sake!" Crys just bent over backwards a bit and gently pushed me back, "So has Red. He actually killed me and yet, here we are." She replied calmly. That took me by surprise, "Ugh fine," I said throwing my hands in the air, "But if his son of a beach tries anything. I'm killing him." I gave him a glare, he didn't even respond. Crys knelt by his side and has her hand hover over his wound a dim green glow surrounding it, "Why are you helping me?" Cross asked, "Everyone deserves a second chance," She replied glancing at the two outside of the dome, "Trust me. I gave up on there second chance a long time ago." She smiled as she finished healing him. I looked him up and down, then I noticed it. His eyes were only grey. No red eye. "I got an idea," I suddenly blurted, everyone looked at me in surprise, "Well go ahead," Crys said, "Hey In- wait where's Ink?" She asked. "He went back to the Doodle Sphere." Blue said looking down, Crys smiled, "You should all get home. The others must miss you." She opened a portal and hugged them all goodbye, mumbling 'see ya later' to everyone and giving Cross a Soul as a 'parting gift' I still didn't think he deserved it. "Okay plan." Crys said after shoving Red into his portal and closing it, "Okay, you use a blaster to get these guys to move around," I said pointing at Sans, "You help me corral them to Crys," I pointed at Gaster, "And you send them away." I pointed at Crys and she smiled, "Great. I know a guy whose not to friendly to brat's." She said. I grinned and walked to a corner with Gaster as he lowered the dome. Almost instantly Sans fired a gaster blaster, he was fast with attacks for being so lazy. I sped next to them and shoved the girl forward before making her chase me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Gaster using his magic to make a sort of maze for the boy so he followed me and the girl. Last I glanced at Crys who was holding the unconscious girl and calming the pale one all while watching the fight. As soon as the two were next to each other and I was backed into a corner Crys opened a portal and blue strings shot out and pulled the two mistakes in without a sound. We all stood still and in silence for a moment before we heard cheering from everyone in the buildings who came flooding out as soon as the barriers were down. "I can't believe it," I shouted to the others over the cheering, "We did it!" I pumped my fist into the air and a blaster appeared and shot it bright beam of light in a random direction. Everyone fell down with gasps of awe, a loud boom was heard in the distance, "Um Kait," Crys said squinting in the direction the beam went in, I nodded to surprised to speak, "That was the High School." My eyes went wide, "Oh," I said, "Well no school next year. Yay?"

*Okay first off sorry this took so long to get out but it's finally here. Second there is going to be a bonus chapter to end the book of so look for that. And last the fourth book is going to be out off for a bit because I'm writing my first X Reader so ya. Hope you like this chapter and the next to come.*

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