Chapter Two

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I got home, still giddy from my afternoon. I fingered the paper with Roman's number on it. I had already entered him into my phone but the paper made it seem more real. It might be stupid or unnecessary, but I couldn't help tracing the curly lines of his handwriting. I picked up my phone and opened a new message chain with Roman. My fingers hovered over the keys, however, unable to actually type.

Should I do this? We just met today. Maybe he'll think it's too desperate, I frantically thought. In order to keep my thoughts at bay, I busied myself with tedious tasks.

Taking out an old puzzle, I dumped the pieces out onto the table. My hands moved methodically, finding the edge pieces and working in. But I couldn't keep my mind off of Roman.

I wonder if he's thinking about me. Wait no. I don't care. Do I? I mentally warred with myself trying to keep out traitorous thoughts of love and romance. I was not one for frivolous displays of affection, though I suppose I was not against it. I had stopped doing the puzzle completely and was simply staring at the pieces as if I could find the answers in them. I decided I needed fresh air and stepped outside onto my porch.

A young doe sauntered by, delicate and graceful. She stopped and looked at me, cocking her head slightly as if asking what was wrong.

"I don't know what to do," I told her. She bowed her head, almost sympathetically, then left. I laughed a little. Look at me! I was talking to an animal. All because I had met some handsome stranger. With a sigh, I lay down in the soft grass and stared up at the night sky. The stars winked down at me and I couldn't help but wonder if Roman liked the stars, and if he did, if he would enjoy just sitting with me underneath them.

This is silly, I thought to myself. But I still didn't know what to do. I racked my brain for ideas, and when I was unable to find any, I decided to go to someone else. Taking out my phone, I dialed Thomas's number.

"Hey, Logan, what's up?"

"Salutations Thomas. I called to request your assistance."

"Yeah sure. What do you need?"

"I am having trouble with some feelings."

"Okay," he said slowly. "What kind of feelings?"

"Romantic ones," I shuddered and heard a small squeal from Thomas.

"Who is he?!"

"Roman. I met him at the mall earlier today." I proceeded to tell Thomas about Roman and our time at the café and finally my dilemma in regards to texting him. "So what should I do?" I asked.

"If you want to text him, text him! Do what you would do, not what anyone else would. And if he doesn't like that you texted him this soon, well that's his loss."

"Thank you for your advice."

"Sure, anytime! I gotta go, bye Logan!"

"Farewell." I ended the call and lay back in the grass. I wanted to text Roman, that much I knew. But what would I text him? I didn't think "hey" would suffice. I headed inside and grabbed my notebook and started writing potential messages I could send. I finally settled on "Hello Roman. It was nice seeing you today." The message was simple and got my point across. And it would hopefully spark a conversation. I grabbed my phone, but just before I started to type, I saw the dot bubbles pop up, indicating Roman was typing something. Letting out a sigh, I anxiously waited, watching the dots fade in and out. Finally, he sent the message.

Roman: Hey Logan. What are you doing?

Logan: Salutations Roman. Clearly, I am texting you.

Roman: Lol

Logan: What is "lol"?

Roman: Oh, it means Laugh Out Loud. Usually, you text it after someone tells you something funny.

Logan: I see. A blush climbed my cheeks in embarrassment. Roman must have thought I was an idiot. But, miraculously, he didn't seem to mind. We chatted through the night and well into the morning.

Roman: Logan it's been wonderful chatting with you, alas I have to go.

Logan: As do I. I trust we'll communicate soon?

Roman: I'll text you at lunch.

Logan: I look forward to it. I sighed and couldn't stop the grin that spread onto my face. But it quickly fell when I saw the time. It was three a.m. and I had to be up at seven! Quickly getting into my pyjamas, I tried to go to sleep. Alas, sleep wouldn't find me. My brain was overloaded with thoughts of Roman and our conversations. I finally fell asleep, but my alarm clock rang what felt like minutes later.

With a groan, I shuffled out of bed and redressed. Trudging outside, the cold air hit me. It didn't get cold in Florida very often but when it did, it was very noticeable. I got into my car and drove to the school where I worked as a geometry teacher. The bell rang and my students filed into the classroom. They sat at the plastic wooden desks and their sneakers left marks on the linoleum floor.

"Morning class," I said with a little yawn. Class after class came in and I was practically counting down the minutes until lunch so I could text Roman. Finally, the lunch bell rang and I resisted the urge to shove the kids out the door. The last kid filed out the door and I immediately whipped out my phone.

Roman: What's up Mr. Holmes?

Logan: I apologize, this is Logan.

Roman: I know :) It was just a nickname. Cause you told me you like Sherlock Holmes and you're really smart.

Logan: Oh! I like it.

Roman: :)

Roman: Are you as tired as I am?

Logan: Probably more. But it was worth it to talk to you. Roman and I kept texting. I barely ate lunch, too focused on our conversation. But lunch ended too soon.

Logan: I have to go, my next class will be coming in soon.

Roman: Wait, I wanna see you again. Will you go out on a date with me on Friday?

Logan: That sounds brilliant.

Roman: Bye then! I looked at the calendar. Friday was only two days away! I could hardly wait.

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