Chapter Four

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It was a brisk day, a little gray outside but still bright. Roman and I had been dating for a few months but I was still nervous any time we went out on a date like tonight. Not to mention we were going dancing. I didn't know how to dance! I rushed around my house grabbing random things I probably wouldn't need, but they made me feel prepared.

Okay, Logan. Just breathe. It's all going to be okay, you're going to be fine. Roman will make it fine, I told myself. My doorbell rang, startling me. I walked over to my door and took a deep breath before opening it. Roman greeted me and my heart stopped.

He wore a white button-down with jeans and had a red sports coat over it. With the setting sun behind him, he looked absolutely magical, the light creating an aura around him.

"You look... you look amazing," I breathed in awe. Roman chuckled a little, hands in his front pockets.

"I could say the same about you," he said with a smile. My cheeks flushed and I looked down, fiddling with the navy blue button down I had chosen.

"I feel kind of underdressed actually," I said, gesturing to his outfit and then to mine. With a laugh, he linked arms with me.

"Don't! I'm always overdressed anyways." He pulled me outside and my jaw dropped when I saw his car.

"You have a mustang?" I exclaimed in surprise.

With a cocky grin, he replied, "You know it." The Mustang was a shining red and the windshield practically sparkled. "Hop in!"

"Don't have to tell me twice," I said, moving to open the door but Roman beat me to it.

"Mr. Holmes," he said with a wink. I laughed but let him help me in. The interior of the car was just as stunning. Italian leather covered the seats and the dashboard was filled with dials and buttons that did who knows what. Intrigued, I studied them but my focus was taken away by Roman's smile.

"Are you excited?" He asked, looking at me intently, genuinely asking.

"Yeah, I guess," I said, half-heartedly.

"It'll be fun, I promise. And if you feel uncomfortable, just let me know okay? I don't mind where we go, I just want to spend tonight with you." I nodded and felt a blush climb my cheeks that only Roman could put there.

"So how fast does your car actually go?" He didn't reply, only smirked. "Roman?" Suddenly, the car lurched forward as Roman hit the gas. We sped through the city, the sunlight glinting off the windows. We arrived at the club in no time, breathless from our ride.

"That's how fast," Roman finally replied. I shot him a glare but it didn't hold because I immediately broke down into laughter afterwards. Roman got out of the car but motioned for me to stay in. He came around and opened my door for me again, offering me a hand. I took it and linked arms again.

"Shall we?"

"We shall," and together we marched off towards the club. We entered and I was immediately hit with a wave of alcohol and sweat. Hundreds of bodies moved on the multicolored dance floor and a DJ booth was straight ahead. To our left was a bar, filled with girls in short skirts flirting with bartenders in a sorry attempt to get a free drink. Roman gently tugged me towards the dance floor but I stopped him.

"I'm gonna get a drink!" I shouted over the din, motioning towards the bar. He nodded and continued to the dance floor. I shoved my way over to the bar, nearly tripping over all the feet. Once at the bar, I motioned for a bartender. I was still terrified of dancing with Roman. What if he hated me? I just needed something to help calm my nerves. Finally, someone came.

"What'll it be?" The bartender asked, somewhat distracted.

"Mojito," I replied, getting shoved into the bar by the bodies behind me.

"Coming right up!" I waited awkwardly, not sure what to do. Suddenly, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned and was met with a young woman, bedecked in bright makeup and a sequined dress.

"Well hi there," she said, hands tracing my shoulders.

"Hi," I said curtly, brushing her hands off and stepping back.

"What are you doing tonight?" She drawled, leaning forward, her chest exposed.

"I'm here on a date," I told her. She rolled her eyes.

"I don't see her around."

"Him," I corrected sharply. "Please excuse me while I wait for my drink." She huffed and left, probably to find another guy to dote on. I smirked to myself.

I showed her. The bartender returned with my mojito and I thanked him, taking a sip of my drink. It was minty and sweet, the alcohol strong. I quickly downed the drink, but I was still nervous. So I ordered another. And another. After my third one, I felt a whole lot better, so I headed out into the sea of bodies crowding the dance floor in search of Roman. I found him chatting with several ladies.

"Logan! Where did you go?" He asked, checking to see if I was hurt.

"Who are they?" I said, gesturing to the women surrounding him.

"Friends," he told me. I looked at him skeptically. "I promise! They know I'm gay," he assured me. I hummed in approval then dragged him to the dance floor.

"Let's go dance!" He chuckled and let me lead him. Havana came on and I cheered, starting to move with the music, stumbling a little.

"Logan, are you okay?" Roman asked, catching me.

"I'm BRILLIANT!" I said with a laugh. "You know, you are so sexy?" Roman's face went red. "Especially in those pants. But you know where they would look better?" Roman shook his head. I leaned forward and whispered into his ear, my voice low. "On my bedroom floor." With a gasp, he pushed me away.


"Just a thought," I said with a smirk.

"Shall we dance?"

"Wait first!" I grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him into a kiss, smashing our lips together forcefully. The kiss didn't get very far, though, because he quickly pulled away. "What?" I whined.

"Logan, how much did you drink? I can taste the mojito."

"Three..." I muttered.

"Three?! That's it, we're going home," Roman said, grabbing my arm and dragging me towards the exit.

"Roman, no!"

"Roman, yes!" We piled into his car and he practically had to strap me in. "Alright, can you remind me of your address?" I stared out the window, racking my brain.

"" I said quietly. "I can't remember. It has a number in it. Was it a one? Or maybe a two..." Roman huffed in frustration.

"It's okay. We'll stay the night at mine." Roman set the GPS and started driving. I gazed out the window at the city lights, illuminating the night. I turned to look at Roman and took his free hand. "I'm sorry for ruining our date."

He laughed a little. "It's okay. We'll go home and watch a movie. Would you like that?"

"Yeah, I would." We arrived at his house. I stepped out of the car but immediately tripped. The floor rushed up at me, but I never hit it, instead, I was caught by something. I looked up and saw Roman smiling down at me.

"Come on," he said, reaching down and picking me up bridal style. We sat down on his couch and he turned on the TV.

"Big Hero 6?" I hummed in approval at his choice and he put it on. "Stay here," he whispered as the movie started. I stared at the screen, fascinated by the fighting robots. Roman came back and draped a blanket over us, offering me a mug. I took it and the smell of hot cocoa enveloped me, reminding me of our first meeting. I snuggled closer to him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Hey Roman?"


"I," I yawned, "I love you." I heard him gasp, but I fell asleep before I heard him respond.

"I love you too."

Afraid of Falling - Logince & LogicalityWhere stories live. Discover now