Chapter Fourteen

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NOTE: The rest of the story will be written in present tense, as before it was Logan telling a story. However, now it will be us along with the ride with Logan.

617-453-1350: Hey Logan! It's Patton :P

Logan: Ah, I was wondering. Hello Patton, how are you?

Patton: I'm good! How about you?

Logan: I'm doing well, thank you. Is there a specific reason you contacted me?

Patton: Nah, I was just bored and wanted someone to chat to!

Logan: Oh, well, thank you. What would you like to chat about?

Patton and I continue to chat about anything that came to mind. He's the easiest person to talk to that I've ever met, and that thought sends a fluttering sensation through my body. And I hate it.

I can't fall in love with Patton. It goes against everything I stand for.

Falling in love with Patton is against all logic.

Past attempts at love ended in a raging dumpster fire- or at least, kitchen fire. Therefore, it would be stupid to try again, despite what my friends say.

So it is only sensible to lock away my feelings for Patton and continue the way things used to be, back when we were friends. I send a goodbye as the clock nears 11:30 p.m. and click off my phone.

I'm not one for dramatics, but I can't help myself when I flop theatrically on my bedspread and sigh at the ceiling. Because Patton and I's hour long conversation has left my nerves shot with that fluttery sensation that leaves you feeling sick.

As I lie in bed, the sun finally disappears behind the buildings, it's fiery red glare no longer flashing on the windows. Instead, shadows creep beneath the door until the only light in my room is that coming from downstairs; I forgot to turn the kitchen light off.

But I make no move to do so, instead, I still ponder my feelings and thoughts, and then ponder what I can do with said feelings and thoughts. I take off my glasses and close my eyes, digging the heels of my hands into them in an attempt to shut out my thoughts.

Unfortunately, that only makes them more apparent.

With a sigh, I pad across my room and down the stairs to lock the door and shut off the lights, and I finally change into PJ's and get into bed.

Perhaps things will make more sense in the morning light.

* * *

I had three dreams that night. All to do with Patton.

The first was a fair. We had gone out to a local carnival, eaten cotton candy, and gone on the Ferris Wheel.

The second was simply a series of various phone calls with him where we would always chat about random things, and Patton would make a pun more often than not.

And the third, and perhaps most wonderful, or the most terrifying, I cannot decide, was a wedding. I was standing at the altar in a dark blue suit and a silver bow tie. Beside me was Virgil, wearing dark purple, and around me were flower arrangements and flowing silver drapes. At the end of a silver aisle bordered with hundreds of guests all looking beautiful in their wedding attire, were two grand mahogany doors.

As I looked around at the scenery, I heard wedding music and the shuffle of wedding guests standing up. My attention was caught as the doors opened and he walked in.

Patton. In a light blue suit with a matching silver bow tie to mine, holding the arm of whom I knew to be his father (Patton was very affectionate of his family and had often showed me many photos of them), Patton looked absolutely breathtaking. So much so that I found, ruefully, that I had forgotten to breathe, and as he stepped up to the altar beside me, I was starting to breathe rather heavily, partially out of nerves. But the dazzling playful smile Patton gave me instantly soothed them. This was where I was meant to be, with Patton, and by his side.

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