Chapter Eleven

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I stepped into the library for the third time that week, inhaling the musty scent of books just waiting to be read. I wound my way around towering bookshelves until I found my favorite chair. I sank into the plush fabric, a smile spreading across my face as I started on the pile of books beside the chair.

I had been coming to the library almost every day since I first found it. There was something relaxing about having the world's knowledge at your fingertips. As I flipped through the new pages, I heard the creak of floorboards and footsteps not too far away. I looked up and was greeted with gleaming hickory eyes behind a pair of Warby-Parker glasses. The eyes widened in recognition as they saw me.

"Patton!" I said, surprised. I hadn't expected to see him since I had left the pottery classes about a week and a half ago.

"Logan, wow, hey," he said a little breathlessly. "What brings you here?"

"I would suppose the metaphorical siren call of knowledge," I said proudly, having expanded my vocabulary greatly since coming to the library.

"Oh cool! I thought this place looked neat, so I thought I'd come here for a bit. You don't mind if I stay do you?" I opened my mouth to tell him that, in fact, I did mind, but when his face lifted into a hopeful smile, I couldn't bring myself to say so.

"No, of course not," I said simply.

"Thanks, Logan!" He sat down and leaned against one of the bookshelves, removing a book from his backpack. As he opened it and flipped to his page, I caught a glimpse of the cover.

"You like Harry Potter?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's one of my favorite series! My friends say I'm a big Hufflepuff, and I totally agree with them. What house are you?" Patton asked eagerly.

"Oh, um, I don't believe I've ever read them."

His jaw literally dropped at my statement, to which he exclaimed, "Never even watched the movies?"

I shook my head, smiling a little bit.

"Wow. Well, you should totally check them out! They're such a good series, goodness!"

I probably won't, I thought, as I rarely took book recommendations from others. But I listened as Patton continued to ramble excitedly about Harry Potter and how the different houses worked and all the teachers. I watched him and couldn't help but notice the way his eyes lit up as he told of something he loved so dearly.

* * *

The next day I arrived at the library at precisely noon and found my way back to the armchair, a route I had traveled so many times that it was ingrained into my memory. I made it and started on a new pile of books when, just like yesterday, I heard the floorboards creak and the unmistakable giggle of Patton.

"Patton, you've returned!" I exclaimed as his walnut hair came around the corner.

"Yeppers! I enjoyed it here last time, and it's so nice in this little spot. I really hope I'm not bothering you though!"

"No, you are welcome to stay. It's nice having company," I said, smiling at his childlike response. He sat and again, pulled out a Harry Potter book and continued to read eagerly as I opened up my own book, this one a biography on Immanuel Kant. We sat in a comfortable silence, disturbed only by the flipping of pages.

After a few hours of reading and the sky had gone dark, I packed up my things and made to leave, but before I could, Patton stopped me.

"Logan, could I have your number? Just in case I need a book recommendation or something," he asked, almost nervously.

"Of course," I replied and we switched phones to enter our numbers in. As I typed it in, I felt an all too familiar flutter in my chest but ignored it.

You're just excited to have someone new to talk to. It's important to branch out, I told myself.

"Well, see you later alligator!" Patton said giving a cheerful wave and a smile as he disappeared amongst the many bookcases. I waved back, grinning at his child-like goodbye.

* * *

I stepped into the library a little earlier than noon, and wandered to my spot, trying to stop the small bit of hope niggling in the back of my head at the idea of Patton coming a third day. Surely not.

But even so, as I went to sit in the armchair, I paused. On the off chance that he did come, it couldn't hurt to pull up a chair for him to sit on?

It's just common human decency, nothing more, I thought as I found a nice spinning chair and wheeled it over to the spot. I sat down and started to read, but continued to anxiously check my watch, out of habit I should think. After having restarted the page four times without any recognition of the words, I gave up, and shut my book, checking my watch once more.

I knew he wouldn't come, I mean, it's just a library and it's not like we had a set da- but before I could finish the thought, a blue polo came into view and Patton practically sprinted around the corner.

"Logan!" he said breathless, "I am so sorry I'm late! I mean- I know that it's not like we plan to meet here or anything, but, I mean, you're always here, so, I mean, I don't know, I just thought I'd come, because, you know, it's really nice here and-" he paused and gulped in a huge breath, but before he could continue, I interrupted.

"Patton, it's alright," I reassured, standing. I placed my hands on his shoulders to steady him and tried not to flinch when I felt a jolt of electricity surge up my arms. He smiled up at me, the grin reaching his hickory eyes.

"I-" I cleared my throat. "I brought over a chair so you wouldn't have to sit on the floor." His eyes lit up.

"You did! Aw thanks Logan, you're the best!" he said, sitting down in it and taking out his book. I knew the compliment was in vain, I wasn't truly the best, but I couldn't explain the flutter in my chest at those words.

We read and talked and joked, the time passing by quicker than I thought possible. I was halfway through my book for that day when my phone buzzed with a text.

Thomas: Hey Logan! Do you wanna go get some pizza with me?

Logan: Yes, that sounds rather satisfactory. Shall we meet at Pinocchio's in a half hour's time?

Thomas: Sure sounds awesome!

I packed up my books and stood up to leave. "I have enjoyed our time today, alas, I must go meet my friend for dinner," I said, addressing Patton.

"Oh! I'll walk out with you," he said, quickly shoving his books and papers into his bag and standing up with me. I let a small grin slip as we began to wind our way past bookshelves and tables,

"So where ya going for dinner?" he asked conversationally.

"A small diner in town called 'Pinocchio's'. They have wonderful pizza," I added.

"Sounds fun!" he replied. We had walked all the way back to the entrance. "Well, see ya tomorrow Logan!"

I waved goodbye and headed to my car, whistling a playful tune. When I got to the restaurant, Thomas still hadn't arrived yet so I opened the Kindle app on my phone to read a little. Scrolling through my virtual library, I realized I had finished all my previous books months ago and hadn't needed to buy new ones since I had been spending all my time at the library.

What to read? I asked myself, and I suddenly flashed back to me and Patton in the library.

With a small smile, I downloaded the first Harry Potter book.

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