Chapter Eighteen

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If you asked me anything about Patton I could probably answer it, right then and there. But if you asked me how I could possibly win over Patton after ignoring him for days on end, well, I'm stumped.

Nothing was good enough for Patton. Perplexed on what to do, I call my friends, first up: Thomas.

"Hey Logan, what's up?" he asks.

"Hello, Thomas. I need... help."


"Have I told you about Patton?"

I go on to explain my relationship with Patton. About how I had met him, about how we met at the library, and about how I had slowly fallen for him despite all the odds.

When I finish, a very loud squeal comes from the phone, accompanied by a love-struck sigh.

"He sounds amazing! What's the problem?" Thomas asks, curiously.

"The problem is that I stopped contacting him without any warning. And he surely hates me now, but I need a way to show that I... love him."

This elicits a very very loud squeal from Thomas's end of the phone.

"Oh, my- gosh peck- yes! So what are you going to do?"

I sigh. "That is exactly my problem, I have absolutely no idea. All my ideas don't seem... good enough for Patton."

"Ooh, I know!" Thomas says. I hear rustling over the phone and then the telltale strum of ukulele strings. "Write him a song!"

"Thomas, you know I don't sing. Plus, I'm sure that's been done before! I want something original."

I can practically hear the pout in his voice as he speaks. "Fine," he groans. "I say go all out. A huge event to dedicate your love for him!"

I shake my head before verbally answering. "No... I don't think he would enjoy that, and quite frankly, neither would I."

"Hmm... maybe call Virgil? See what he has to say?"

* * *


"S'up Logan. What's the deal with calling me, why not text?" I hear Virgil's gravelly voice reply.

"This seemed more fitting, I suppose. I need your help and I suppose I'll get right to the point: I need a way to win Patton over, however, I'm not sure how to."

Suddenly, I hear a crash over the phone and a pained groan from Virgil.

"Virgil? Are you alright?"

"Yeah... I just fell off of my dresser, ow."

"Why were you on your dresser? Seems a bit of an odd place to sit," I quip.

"Shut up, Logan. You're in love with a jelly!" he retorts.

"Excuse you, Crofter's Jam is a wonderful thing. This is not the point, however," I cut in before Virgil can reply. "I need to win Patton over."

"And just telling him 'I love you' isn't good enough?"

"No, it isn't."

"In that case, I'm out of ideas. Except for just waiting it out while you slowly die of anticipation," he replies and I shake my head.

"That is utterly unhelpful, Virgil."

"Listen, we tried, we failed, I'm going to sleep." And with that, I hear the line cut.

I suppose I'm on my own then.

* * *

After hours of lying on my bedroom floor, brainstorming, I finally had an idea on how to win over Patton. One that wasn't so big, one that wasn't too small, one that I think Patton would love.

Afraid of Falling - Logince & LogicalityWhere stories live. Discover now