Chapter Six

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TW: Fire, Explosions, and Death

I checked myself again in the mirror, straightening my tie out of habit. Roman came up from behind me, hugging me from behind.

"Hey handsome," he said, kissing my cheek. I blushed. We had been together for two years, we even lived together, yet he still managed to make me flustered at the smallest things.

"Ready for dinner tonight?" I asked as I turned around to look at him. Dressed in the same outfit as he was on our first night out, he still looked just as dazzling. It was our little tradition. Every year, on our anniversary, we wore our outfits from our first date.

"I'm absolutely ecstatic!"

"So, where are we going?" Roman told me he had planned something special but he had yet to tell me what it was.

"It's a surprise! But don't worry. It will be a night you'll never forget." I laughed

"Which car are we taking? Mine or yours?" I asked, rummaging around in my closet for my jacket.

"Wanna take mine?"

"Sounds good." We headed out and started driving in the winter air. It was December, the sun already setting. I stared out the window, trying to figure out where we were going but I was confused. We pulled up to a restaurant.

The sun was just setting, reflecting off of the white walls and glass doors. As we entered, the sounds of idle chatter and glasses clinking filled our ears. A young waitress wearing black heels led us to our table. Sitting us down, she rattled off the specials for the night, but I barely listened unable to tear my focus away from Roman.

Man, I'm so lucky to have him. The waitress left with a smile, and Roman caught me staring.

"What's wrong dear?"

"Nothing. Just glad that I know you." He smiled, reaching across the table to take my hand. The dinner passed by, and as the waiters took our dessert plates away, Roman cleared his throat.

"Logan?" I turned and looked at him. He was smiling, but his eyes looked nervous.

"Yeah?" With a deep breath, he knelt down on the floor, removing a small velvet box from his coat pocket. I stared in disbelief, my breath catching. He wasn't- Was he?

"Logan. I cannot express how much you mean to me. You are smart, funny, and so jaw-dropping handsome. I love the way that I can spend time with you and do nothing but still feels like it's the most valuable time in the world. I love the different facial expressions you make when you read as your brain processes the information. I love your smile and the way you make me smile with just a glance. Logan, I love you and the feeling I get when I am with you. And I want that feeling forever. So, Logan, will you marry me?" Roman finished, eyes hopeful as he stared up at me. The restaurant had gone quiet as the other diners watched. The kitchen had even come out to watch. The world faded away as I looked into Roman's eyes with adoration.

"Yes," I breathed, still lost in his gaze. I heard applause around me but only focused on his brilliant smile as a ring was slipped onto my finger and lips met mine. We broke apart with a smile and I looked at the ring. It was simple, a silver band with a red and blue sapphire set in the middle.

"Roman I love you so much," I said, as I pulled him in for another kiss.

We're going to be married. Married! As in, together, hopefully, forever, I thought with glee. But my happiness was short lived as I sniffed the air.

"Roman, do you smell-"

"FIRE!" The cheers turned to wails as a fiery inferno erupted from the kitchen. Smoke quickly filled the air, and my vision became hazy. Quickly grabbing a napkin, I thrust it towards Roman's mouth, motioning for him to keep it over his mouth. Staying low, I deftly made my way to the door, even as bodies shoved into me left and right. The heat scalded my skin, the smoke threatening to invade my lungs. Keeping a strong grip on Roman's hand, I guided us out of the restaurant.

We emerged out of the front doors and fled down the steps, our lungs begging for release. Far enough from the smoke, I inhaled a deep breath of fresh air. I looked to hug Roman, seeking solace, but he was staring at the burning building.

"Roman?" He remained impassive, staring at the building, head cocked as if he was listening for something.

"Someone's in there. They're still in there!" Roman took off towards the building but I grabbed his wrist.

"Roman what-"

"Logan I can hear someone. They're screaming. I have to save them!"

"Roman you can't! You'll die if you go back in there!"

"I won't. I can't. I have you to come back for." And with that, he broke free of my grip and stormed into the burning building. The sound of sirens filled my ears as the fire department arrived. I found a fireman and desperately grabbed his arm.

"Sir you have to help! My fiance is in there!" He nodded and sprinted towards the building. I watched the fire, my eyes seeking Roman. Suddenly I spotted a figure emerge from the doorway.

"Roman!" I ran towards him but stopped when I saw him. He was ragged and his skin was covered with soot. And he wasn't Roman. "Where's Roman? Where is my fiance?!" I screamed at the stranger. Unable to speak, he simply pointed at the building. Roman was still in there! With a battle cry, I charged towards the fire, but before I could, the blast hit me.

The building exploded into smithereens and I was thrown to the floor. Blinding light seared my closed eyes as I was struck with a white-hot burning. When I could finally open my eyes, all I saw was a burning wreckage. No movement except for the flames that licked the sky.


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