Chapter 7. We Meet Again

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Heya, Miss me? : ] Sorry for the late upload my loyal readers. I was influenced by Joey McAdams and so I also partied and get drunk this past days. Haha. 

Okay, I won't take your time now. Go Read, chop chop! :)

Chapter 7. We Meet Again

Joey’s POV

“What the hell are you doing here?” I hear a sexy voice of a man asking. 

That would be the second time this day I was asked with that same kind of question.  I stirred and squinted my eyes. Everything is a blur. My head started throbbing with pain and I felt the cold flooring against my back. I slapped my forehead with my palm as I realize that I was lying on the floor.  I was so drunk I didn’t even reached the bed and just dozed off here. Damn.

“Oi. Im asking you. What the hell are you doing here in my room?” He continues to ask, his voice louder this time.

I blinked a few times, my mouth felt dry making me unable to respond right away. Everything became clearer as I saw a pair of deep bluish gray eyes staring, more like glaring or boring holes at me.

I also saw eyes like those earlier this day, I thought. Talk about ‘De Javu’.

“Yo-your room?” I asked back in confusion. I returned the stare to the guy bending just a few inches away, his deep bluish gray eyes still staring/glaring/boring holes at me. I scanned him and saw a familiar messy brown hair, muscled jaw and sexy curved lips. He was shirtless, showing a honey coloured skin, toned abs and a broad shoulder. Fresh bruises are showing on his abdomen and other parts of his upper body.

I shivered, not just because of the awesome sight which had now awaken my female hormones, but the way he stares at me is just so...Intimidating. It’s like you can’t decipher what he’s really thinking.

“Enjoying the view?” He asked smugly.

I have a feeling that I already saw him...

“Oh shit.” I said out loudly, my eyes widened as I  realized who he was. I shoot up suddenly, not thinking that he was bending close to me. My forehead hit his chin with a strong impact. Both of us cursed loudly at the same time. He backed away and rubbed his chin, moving his jaw from side to side.

Upon recovering from the blow, I asked him, “You’re not following me, don’t you?” I placed my hand on my forehead as I now feel a small lump rising. Great.

He let out a sarcastic growl. “First, you took my phone and left me cash that people in this country don’t give a shit, then you appear here in my room, scattered your mess around and slept on my floor. And now you’re saying that I’m following you? You’ve got some guts.”  He said mockingly.

I swallowed hard and felt the dryness of my throat like sand and paper. I need water badly, I thought. I grabbed the wine bottle lying under the bed and raised it to my lips. Luckily, the bottle was empty. I cursed and rolled my eyes.

“Is that my Priorat wine you’re holding?” the guy questioned.

I stood up and looked at him blankly, the severe headache that I’m having and the dryness of my mouth had turned my brain into soup.

Not waiting for my answer, he glanced at the wine rack underneath the bedside table and saw a missing bottle from the collection. He moved closer to me, anger glistening in his eyes. “Are you fuc*ing kidding me? Who the hell are you?” He yelled as he stood a few inches afar, towering me with his 6 feet frame.

“Joey, are you okay?” Another male voice rang.

Both of us looked at the same direction where the voice came from and saw Chris standing on the doorway, with a concerned expression. He entered the room looking around, maybe checking if there are damages or blood spills. He shot a questioning look on the guy.

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