Chapter 26. Awkward Moments

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***this chappie is dedicated to symrun & iceepree for requesting me to do a Matt’s POV of the previous chapter. I wasn’t really planning on this but since you guys asked for it, and you two are my loyal readers, so here it is! I hope I did justice to it since it came out on such short notice. :)


Chapter 26. Awkward Moments

Matt’s POV

I opened the invitation in my hands for the third time.

It says here that the party is at eight, but it’s already half past seven and I’m still here sitting on my bed, contemplating if I should go or not. Jeez. I feel like I’m a lady deciding which chick flick I should watch on a Saturday night. I huffed in annoyance and slumped on my bed with a loud thud.

 Maybe I shouldn’t go, I thought as I stared on my blank ceiling. The dinner party would be held in ‘La Croisseue’ anyway, it’s the kind of party where people spent their evening flaunting their expensive designer clothes, holding champagne glasses, and bragging about how much they own in life. I’m not really into those. Cate surely would understand.  

I stood up from my bed and just when I was about to place my invitation inside my drawer, something caught my eye.  I stood up and peered over my window just in time to see Joey’s figure from afar, dressed in what looked like an evening dress, climbing inside her car. Once she has settled in, Elixir closed the door for her and climbed inside the driver’s side. I watched how the black Porsche drove away until it was nowhere in sight, letting different thoughts cloud over my brain.

Is she going to Cate’s party?

‘Duh. She’s dating Ethan for bloody Pete’s sake, of course she’s going’, a voice inside my head answered, making me feel like a moron for asking the obvious. Suddenly, I had the urge to punch the voice inside my head. If only that’s possible.

I slumped back on my bed, my irritation seeping in. “That’s it.  I’m not going to Cate’s party.” I told myself loudly, as if it would make it more convincing. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and started texting a lame excuse to Cate, saying something about taking care of Sam, when my phone started beeping. I closed my unfinished message and opened the new one, seeing that it was from Cate.

‘Hi Matt! You very well know I’m having a birthday party tonight, right? You haven’t texted me so I thought you might forgot. Please come. I need to tell you something so you can’t bail out on me, okay? See you.’

My eyebrow cocked as I finished reading her message. She needs to tell me something important? What is it? I rammed my brain for anything that was possible but I was at lost for any ideas.

I ran my hand through my hair and let out a frustrated groan. Then, as much as I don’t want to, I threw my phone in my bed and stood up again, this time heading to my closet to pull out my one and only suit that I haven’t worn since I attended my uncle’s wedding.

I guess I have no choice but to wear it today then. Damn.


I muttered another curse under my breath. It’s already a quarter before eight and I’m still here inside my room. Who would have thought dressing formally was such a task? I rearranged my tie and with one final look in the mirror, I headed downstairs.

Dad, Suze and Sam were having dinner when I walked in the dining room. Their back was on me, not noticing my presence until I spoke.

“Hey Dad. I’m going to Cate’s party and I’m going to take the jeep, yah?” I asked as quickly as I could. I’m already running late and I’m not used to it.

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