Chapter 24. Diamond & Shotgun

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Chapter 24. Diamond & Shotgun


“Oh good morning to you love! Have a seat and eat your breakfast.” Suze greeted with a warm smile as Joey entered the kitchen. Matt was already there, sitting on a stool in front of the island, munching on the eggs and muffin that Suze has prepared. He didn’t look up for even a second and just continued eating his breakfast. 

“So where’s everyone?” Joey asked as she slid on the stool beside Matt. She was looking at Matt but he didn’t answer instead it was Suze who did.

“Chris brought Sam into some astronomy fair held in Oxford. They left in about an hour ago.” She placed a plate of eggs and muffins in front of Joey and smiled. “So do you have any plans for today?”

Joey took a bite on her muffin and shrugged. “I don’t know. It depends...”

 “Depends on Ethan?” Suze finished for her, her eyes narrowed teasingly. “I could see you guys are spending some time lately.” Her smile widened. “Is there something that we should know?”

 “Uh... uhm...” Joey’s face turned a bit red. She wasn’t planning on telling them about Ethan since she was not sure herself. She swallowed and was about to answer when Matt stood up abruptly, dragging the chair on the floor and producing a loud screeching sound. Both Suze and Joey jumped in surprise. They snapped their heads towards Matt, but he just walked past them and brought his plate over the sink, ignoring their questioning looks.

“Are you leaving now, Matt?” Suze asked.

“Yeah.” Matt answered his back towards them.

“Where are you going?” Joey asked curiously.

Matt didn’t spoke and just continued washing his plate, it was Suze who answered once again. “He’s going to the gym. He has a fight later and he needs to prepare.” 

 “You have a fight? What time is it? Can I watch?” Joey asked enthusiastically, feeling excited with what she just heard. She was never a fan of boxing but she really enjoyed watching Matt before. He’s really a great fighter.

Matt glanced at her and she gave him a hopeful look and smiled.

 “No.” He told her coldly and without another word, he walked out of the kitchen.

Joey’s jaw instantly dropped. “What? What the—Wait!” She run after him and followed him at the living room. Once she saw Matt picking up his things on the couch, she spoke again. “What the hell is wrong with you?” She asked.

Matt didn’t say anything and just continued shoving his stuff inside his back pack.

“I want to watch your fight Matt. What time is it?” Joey continued to ask but Matt still ignored her. “Forget it. I’ll just ask Rico. It’s not like you can’t stop me anyway.” She said and started heading back to the kitchen.

Matt suddenly spoke making Joey halt. “I don’t want you there.”

Joey felt a strong stab in her chest.  Her mouth opened from shock but she immediately hid it. “Have I done something wrong?” She glanced at him with pain in her eyes, her voice full of softness and concern. “Why are you so mad at me?”

Matt instantly froze. For a second his eyes filled with guilt but it was instantly replaced with coldness. He stared at her, his face completely blank of any emotion. “I’m not mad at you.” He grunted. “Just...” He hesitated. “Just leave me alone.” Then he slung his backpack on his shoulder and started to leave but Joey was fast. She moved in front of him and blocked his way, her hand reaching out on his arm.

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