Chapter 29. The Morning After

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  • Dedicated to Angelica Guico

Chapter 29: The Morning After

Joey’s POV

I woke up from the nicest, most perfect night I ever had in my twenty years of existence.

Feeling the warm morning sunlight prickling through my skin, I squinted my eyes slowly and scanned my surroundings, checking out where on earth I am. Dumbbells and work out equipments were the first things that were noticed by my vision, making my eyebrow cock in confusion.  Have I slept at a gym? As if answering my question, the scent of dust and sweat immediately filled my senses and I scrunched up my nose in realization. Darn. I had definitely slept on a gym. 

I was on the verge of getting up and doing a few stretches, when I felt someone stirred beside me making my heart slam out of my chest. I snapped my head to the right and immediately saw a familiar handsome face, the face that was running through my mind all night. And he was sleeping serenely on the same bed with me.

I thought I was dreaming. I pinched my arm and looked around. When I didn’t wake up, I realised it was real.

Everything that had happened last night was nothing but real.

As if it has a mind of its own, my heart pumped faster from my chest.  

And now I can’t help the huge smile from appearing on my face.


He was still sleeping like a baby.  But since he stirred, he was now facing me. I slowly turned on my side so I could gaze at him, being extra careful not to wake him up.

His face was like of an angel, so calm and peaceful, though the slight stubble on his face still makes him look badass. So he’s a sleeping badass angel. Who’s so freakin’ sexy...

Even when he’s still sleeping.

My stomach was fluttering from the proximity of our bodies.

He was sooo hot...  

It’s so hard it is to stop myself from drooling over him.

 Shit. I thought I’m already done with the pervy mind?

Daaaaamn again.

Trying my best to ignore my malicious mind, I trailed my finger gently on his cheek, feeling the softness of his skin. I moved to trace those perfect shaped eyebrows from his forehead then his pointed nose and down to his supple lips. Thoughts of how his lips felt against mine instantly flooded my mind, making my hormones come alive.

The next thing I knew, I was already leaning into him and our lips were only a few centimetres apart. Taking a deep breath, I closed the distance and was about to place my lips on his when his eyes suddenly shut wide open, revealing two bluish gray orbs that were looking straight into my gray ones.

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets in surprise. Panic had risen all over me and I didn’t know what to do. Then, I just followed my instinct.

And by that, it means me pushing Matt down towards the solid gym floor.

He groaned loudly as he hit the ground with a thump. That must have served him as his wake up call.

“What the f*ck Joey? Why did you push me?” he asked as he tried to stand up. His cheeks were slightly pink from the shock.

“Y-you scared m-me.” I sat up and answered, silently screaming profanities inside my head. I could feel my cheeks burning from embarrassment.

Oh dear Lord, please don’t let him notice what happened.

“Scared you?” he continued to ask, still confused. He stood in front of me. “What the hell? I just woke up.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God. He didn’t notice.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2012 ⏰

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