Chapter 17. Cheaters Also Win!

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***chappie is dedicated to Iceepree for requesting more Matt-Joey chapters. Here goes! hope you like it! thanks for always voting & commenting. :)

Chapter 17. Cheaters Also Win!


Mr. McAdams looked around and saw the funny looks that people are shooting. He sheepishly smiled at them and bowed trying to apologize for yelling loudly inside the posh French restaurant, which stood along the busy street of Oxford. In front of him sat Chris Nicholson who was also taken aback by the loud out burst from his old mate.

He cleared his throat and lowered his voice, “What do you mean she’s getting drunk every night?”

Chris shifted on his seat nervously. “It’s true. She goes out every night, comes home around dawn, stinking with too much alcohol and almost looking lifeless.”

“But I thought she’s visiting famous places here in London?”

“Well...” Chris trailed off, looking everywhere but at Mr. McAdams. “The pubs that she visits are really famous.”

“Holy mother...of Christ! I already warned the chauffeur about this.” Mr. McAdams spat out.

“Yeah, but poor Elixir, he doesn’t really have any choice, doesn’t he? You know how stubborn your daughter is, I reckon it comes with the genes.” Chris replied teasingly.

“Careful with your words Nicholson, you don’t want your family to sleep outside, don’t you?”

“Ohh. Look at that temper. Tsk. You really are aging, mate.” Chris chuckled. Mr. McAdams laughed with him and shook his head as he continued eating his lunch. Chris gazed at him as if he remembered something. “You know, Joey has this carefree personality which reminds me of you.

He looked at his friend, thinking for the right words, before he answered. “Joey wasn’t really like me.” “She was more of her Natalia, her mother. She was an achiever, you know?  He cleared his throat.  She was the perfect daughter everyone was jealous of. Had straight A’s when she was in high school and was very popular, even won as the prom queen.”Chris smiled and continued, “We were so proud when she got accepted in Harvard, she always wanted to become a writer so she took up Journalism, but...” His voice broke.  

There was a long silence. Chris looked at his friend questioningly. “Wh-what happened?”

Mr. McAdam’s face turned sad and he dropped his eyes on the table, “A year ago, well, ‘almost’ a year ago, a terrible incident happened and Joey’s life... let’s just say, it had a 360 degree turn. She locked herself at home for months, refusing to speak with anyone including her friends and she lost them all, one by one.  She dropped out of college and became an alcoholic, even tried doing awful things to herself. We didn’t know what to do with her, we even tried seeking for help but she’s so stubborn.” He let out a sad sigh. “She really changed into a totally different person...” He trailed off, trying to control the emotions from pouring out. “According to the therapist I’ve spoken to, this is her way of coping up with what had happened and that she’ll come around once she’s ready.”

“Is that why she’s here?”

Mr. McAdams gave a small nod. “I think she’s already trying to forget... And I thought London would do her something, I don’t know, better? But I guess nothing’s changed.” They both sipped their water in silence.

After a few seconds, Mr. McAdams spoke thoughtfully. “I can’t let her be like this. It’s been too long now.”

“Well, we need to do something.” Chris said with a look of determination.

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