11 : The Devil

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"Even deadlier than a devil."

  Driplets of blood started to trickle down your lips, causing you to feel the metal taste in your tongue as your eyes tried to open itself. You were greeted with blurry sights and you could hear your slow heartbeat.

You've never felt so tired, everything feels so numb that you couldn't even feel the massive stomach ache your having. Chains that are connected to a wall behind you wrapped around your wrist tight enough. What did they even do to you while your unconscious?

"Wake up, Miss Mad Hatter. You wouldn't want to die in your sleep, do you?" A new voice greeted you.

"I'm too tired." You growled, annoyed before you went into a coughing fit, oddly you could spot a few blood coming out of your mouth.

"Now, now, we know your tired but your lucky enough to pass through three tests while your unconscious." He smirked, patting your shoulder.

  Three tests? And they did that to you while your unconscious? No wonder you woke up feeling lots of pain right now. Finally, your sight started to get clear and your greeted with a man who have a small moustache on him. He have somekind of a suit that probably came from the 24th century.

You look at him up and down and scowled. "And who the hell are you?" You sarcastically asked.

"Call me The Devil." He grinned menacingly. Seriously?

"Pfft!" You tried to stop yourself from laughing but you let it out instead to insult him more. "The Devil? Seriously? What a crappy name you made yourself, like wha-what are you? A satan worshipper or something? Is that why I'm here, to-to be the sacrifice bullcrap?" You laughed.

"The Devil" - still laughing - made a scowled face and form his hands into shaking fists. But he tried to calm himself. Oh hell no, if your gonna die soon, guess your just gonna cherish your moment by annoying someone.

"O-Or probably next time your gonna name yourself The Illuminatti cuz fuck shit, why not?" You smirked, wiping off the blood that was on your mouth.

"Well, says the one who fucking call herself The Mad Hatter!" The devil cursed, his eyes twitching in irritation.

"Uh-huh, but its a damn good name than something cheesy like what is it again? Oh yeah, The Devil." You rolled your eyes.


   Suddenly your head hit the wall, making yourself having a severe migraine as you gritted your teeth from the pain. Devil guy just charged at you by holding your throat and bang your head at the wall.

"F-Fuck." You groaned, glaring at the now furious devil guy.

"Insult me all you fucking want cuz its gonna be the last thing you'll do. When I'm done with you, I'm gonna be the most powerful man that not even Rick Sanchez could defeat me." He snarled at the name of Rick.

Now everything makes more sense.

"Oh." You muttered. "So your gonna kill me, use something inside of me and then use some fucked up useless ethnic so that you could get your revenge over whatever Rick did to you. Uh-huh, very much cliche to me." You yawned.

Rule #1 : No Love ( Rick x Reader ) Where stories live. Discover now