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"If its for you, then so be it."

"Mommy, why can't I chop the carrots?" Little you asked, looking up to your mother who was busy mixing the ingredients.

Your mom looked at you over her shoulder and genuinely smiled at you.

"Why of course dear, just -- " Before your mom could even continue, your dad went behind you and gave your mom a stern look. "No, she won't." He demanded.

You stood there, upset and confused at your dad's response. You remained quiet as you continue listening to them.

"Come on, sweetie. Its just her chopping the carrots. Nothing wrong with that." Your mom tried to explain.

"Not even cutting something will let her be normal." The words that your dad said made you feel confuse even more.

Your mom thou, seems offended at your dad's words as she gestured you to go continue playing with your toys while they both will be having an "adult" talk. You nodded at her and left, leaving your mom to cross her arms over her chest.

"That doesn't mean she can't be treated normally." Your mom said.

"Don't you even read the syptoms she's having? She's a psychopath, if we even let her touch just one simple knife and that kid might be planning something unpleasant." Your dad explained, glaring at your mom.

She shouts your dad's name as a scold.

"She's our child! We could get some help for her but for now, dont treat her those kind of predictions! She's 9, for god's sake." She growled and slam the stirring spoon on hr counter. "She's an INNOCENT kid."

"No, she's not. Infact we have to return her to her biological parents before that kid become a psycho. The test saids it all, she could be a bloody killing machine soon!"


"Su-Summer! I think she's waking up!"

"What? Oh god, call him!"

"Rick! She's waking up!"

"Shush, Morty. Don't disturb her right now."

    Blurry images started to greet your now awaken eyes, there are three people that are hovering you, checking if your awake. You could fully recognize their voices so you don't have to worry about anyone forcing you to another experiment.

Your whole body felt like screaming silently in pain, sending pains exactly anywhere on your joints. This causes you to groan in pain.

"Oh g-geez, (Y/n), are you ok?" Then, finally recognizing your surrounding, Morty looked at you in a worried way.

"Owwww . . ." you groaned childishly, causing everyone to sigh in relief.

"Yep, she's alright." Summer announces, going straight to the garage.

"How are you feeling?" Morty's Mom, Beth asked you, being the responsible adult in the room.

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