Chapter 1* - New Experience

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I turned off my car and leaned back on my seat, looking out to the campus that was in front of me. I finally did it. I'm finally a college student.

If you've told me this back when I was in high school I would've just called you crazy for thinking so, but now here I am, sitting in my car about to begin my college life.

I took a deep breath and stepped out of my car, taking in everything new that was around me. I looked up to were I will be spending the next years of my life, and I got to say, it isn't that bad.

Kamper University, the place I will be attending, is super big. I saw that it had many brick building surrounding the main courtyard. Said courtyard adorned with nice cobblestone paths, well placed lamp posts, and plenty of lush greenery and trees to go around.

This is one of the best universities in the countries, so I'm still baffled as to how I got accepted. It's not like I didn't think I could, I just didn't think I was smart enough to be attending this sort of place.

But with multiple insistence from my mom, I applied and ended up being accepted. I really have to thank her again for pushing me to apply. Now I have to work hard enough to get my degree and start my adult life just the way I want it to.

I closed my car's door and opened up the trunk, grabbing a few bags. I set one bag on my shoulder while I carried the other two. "OK, now let's see..." I said to no one in particular trying to locate the tent that will give me my dorm key.

I read before I arrived that there was a huge open house to start off the year that would have many types of tables for people to get their club out there for people to join. I wasn't really interested in joining anything like that at the moment, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to look around while I tried to search for the dorm key table.

I started walking, carrying my heavy bags, through the courtyard. The place was filled with furs walking around the place, some with their friends and some with what I assume is family.

Must be nice having your parents drop you off here. My mom couldn't do so because our house is about 5 hours away from here and I didn't want her to have to deal with the drive here and back. She already has enough on her plate for that.

I kept on walking, going through the masses of furs that were moving from one place to another until I eventually arrived at the open house. There were many tables with different types of clubs.

Music club, robotics club, cheerleading club, so on and so forth. None of them really catched my attention. But I guess it's nice that people are trying to really get out there and try to get more people to join.

I chuckled to myself. Maybe here's the part where the stereotypical jock comes out of nowhere, calls me a freshman and tries to invite me to try and join their fraternity. Although I don't really have the jock build, so I guess I'm safe from that happening.

I looked around until I spotted what I was looking for. A tent with a sign saying "Dorm Assignment" on it. I walked over trying my best to not drop my bags. They aren't that heavy but since I'm carrying all of them at once it can be easy to trip over and fall.

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