Mysterious Statue

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•S/C: Skin Color
•H/L: Hair Length
•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Your POV:

Bright, burning rays of light shine down on my sweaty form as my feet trudge through the mud and dirt that clings to the bottoms of my black sneakers. Thankfully, the dark green leaves on the towering trees partially shade my S/C skin, so I doubt I'll get badly sunburned, but, God, it's hotter than Satan's armpit out here! I groan in frustration, my body slowing down a bit due to exhaustion, as I run a hand through my H/L hair and cringe upon feeling how damp it is. It's a good thing I'm wearing a thin, baby blue tee shirt and tan shorts because I would definitely be dying if I were wearing anything else on top of it.

"I hate this vacation, and I hate these woods!" I shout, hoping it'd make me feel better as I push a few branches out of the way of my path. I'm lost and alone without any reception to call my parents, and, to top it off, I'm both starving and thirsty.

'We just had to come to Gravity Falls this summer! Where the hell did dad even find this place? It's not even on a map!'

"'Oh, hiking will be fun! I'm sure you'll have a great time'," I say, repeating what my mother told me this morning with an angrily sarcastic tone. I went out alone, since she and my father decided to do something "romantic" together.

'If I die out here, I'm blaming her.' I scream when my foot slips and tumble down a grassy hill with no option but to wait until I hit the bottom. I hiss in pain when my back slams into something hard, like a rock, and slowly sit up while removing little twigs from my messed up hair. Wincing at the sharp pain shooting up my spine, I turn my head to glare at the stupid boulder that bruised my back, but the look disappears into one of confusion when I see it isn't just some rock, but a statue of a triangular creature with one eye. Atop its pointy head is a stone top hat, while a bowtie resides beneath its large orb. A single hand sticks out from its side, reaching out as if it were begging for something to grab it. I tilt my head as I get to my feet and crouch down to inspect it closer.

"What is this doing all the way out here?" I ask myself while wiping away some of the moss clouding a portion of the eye, but, the moment I touched it, a faint message appeared in the back of my mind. It wasn't a voice, but, oddly enough, words were there.

Take the hand.

Do it!

Do it now!

I blink rapidly and pull away before shaking my head and rubbing my temples.

'That was weird. How hard did I hit my head?' I dust off my clothes and focus on myself when I notice the scrapes on my knees and the large tear on the hem of my shirt. I frown at this while looking back at the statue before turning to leave. I need to get back to the hotel before these cuts get infected.

Don't leave!

Shake the hand!

I feel a chill roll down my spine at the persistent words and rub the back of my neck before facing the rock again. I can feel the hair there standing on end. Humming curiously, I walk back to it and hesitantly reach out to place my hand on it's stone one. What's the harm anyway? It's just a statue. Nothing will happen... So, why is my heart pounding so loudly? My worries subside as I grip the hand like one would with a handshake, but nothing spectacular happened. I hear the birds twittering loudly in the trees, making me feel like they were laughing at me for stupidly believing something was going to happen.

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