Difficult Demon

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•Y/N: Your Name
•L/N: Last Name

Your POV:

"Well, Bill Cipher, I'm-" before I could introduce myself, the strange man interrupts me.

"Y/N L/N. Yeah, I know." His tone suggests that I should be impressed by his knowledge of my name, but, in all actuality, I was creeped out.

"How did you-" once again, I get cut off.

"I'm a dream demon, kid. I know lots of things. Lots of things," he repeats in a deeper, scarier voice as his black void of an eye starts flashing images again. I stare at him silently for a moment in suspicion, tempted to look away, but I feel like I should never turn my back on this one. He's a little bit too weird for my liking.


'Maybe I hit my head harder than I thought?' It's plausible that this person is just in my head, and I'm hallucinating from my tumble down that hill. It would make perfect sense for the situation because this guy just feels unreal to me. I quickly change the subject after giving him a once-over, believing that those injuries of his are quite painful. "So, do you want me to take you to a hospital or something?" I offer. If this is a real person, he should get looked at, and, while we're at it, I'd like to get my head examined too. Bill brings a gloved hand to his chin in thought, tapping the side of his face with his forefinger, but, overall, he doesn't look too concerned about his wellbeing.

"Nope!" He then grins eerily as though he got a brilliant idea, unknowingly forming a pit in my stomach. "I think I'll just stick around you for now. Everyone else around here hates me anyway." He chuckles, and, yet, I sense a dark undertone to that last bit. Giving a soft sigh, I stare out in the direction of the hotel me and my parents are staying at for the summer. After thinking it over, I turn to the "demon", or whatever he said he is, and stand up.

"Fine. Come on, then." I'm still having a hard time believing this guy is even real, considering the many reasons I would be hallucinating after being lost in the hot woods for hours without food or water on top of falling down a big hill and hitting a rock. So, yeah, huge chance this dude is just a crazy illusion my brain cooked up, so I just figured I'd go with the flow and see where this takes me... or die of the concussion I probably have. I offer my hand for Bill to take, and he does, only, as he's pulled up, I'm tugged down. He laughs at me as my legs stumble forward in attempts to remain standing. I outwardly release a groan after falling to the ground and push myself up before dusting off the dirt caking my clothes. I then take a deep breath to calm myself before glaring at the stranger, who could hardly stand on his own two feet.

'I can't believe I'm actually gonna take this guy with me.' I grab his arm and wrap it around my shoulders so that he could use me as a crutch while walking as an attempt to be nice only for him to force all his weight onto me. I was tempted to elbow him in the side as a response, but refrained, since he's injured enough as it is. The walk would be torture, though. I'm just thankful for getting my own room, separate from my parents, so they'll never have to know about this strange person that came out of a statue — That is, if he even really exists. When nearing the hotel, I hear my ringtone go off in my shorts' pocket and pull out my phone to answer the call.

"Who's that?" Bill annoying tries to reach for the device to snatch it from my hand only to receive an elbow to the gut, but, don't worry, I only hit him lightly. Thankfully, he backs off, but gives a small pout as I answer the call from my father.

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