Hungry Demon

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•E/C: Eye Color

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I could feel eyes burning in the back of my skull and look around to find the source while simultaneously keeping an eye on the blonde demon on my right, who continues to stew in his thoughts silently. Whatever happened to him must've really been bad if it gets him to shut up. I find lots of people looking our way, though, I don't know why— not at first, that is. My eyes light up in realization as I turn to Bill when we stop in front of our destination.

"Bill, look at me," I order in a deathly serious voice that causes him to raise a curious brow while complying.

"Eh?" I catch him off guard by grabbing his shoulder to lower him some and use my other hand to cover the black void serving as his eye with his messy, blonde locks.

"There. Maybe now we won't attract as much attention," I mutter before opening the door to Greasy's Diner. He gasps in a dramatic fashion with a hand over his heart.

"Are you that ashamed of me?" He leans in close to my face from over my shoulder while following me inside the restaurant with that stupid grin on his lips. Not even fazed by his closeness, I shove at his cheek to regain space.

"No, I just don't like attention." I slip into an available booth, and Bill seats himself across from me. He seems to have no trouble maneuvering with one eye, which is good. I figured he would've only gotten clumsier. Speaking of one eye, a waitress, much older than myself, comes up to us with one of her eyes closed.

"Well, hi there, love birds. What can I get for you?" I choke on air and cough roughly after hearing the woman's words, which elicits a laugh from the demon across from me. Grinning smugly, Bill throws his feet onto the table rudely before giving his order to the server with his left hand pointing a finger gun at her.

"How's about you bring us a few Pit Colas, one eye?" She laughs in a manner that sounds forced, yet I don't think it was.

"You're funny. Okay," she says happily before going to the kitchen to fetch our drinks.

'Strange lady.' I shift my gaze over to my company, who pays me no mind as he picks at his fingernails.

"Are you always this rude?" I question while resting my chin on the palm of my hand.

"Are you always this boring?" He retorts while leaning back and folding his arms behind his head. His eyes shut and he sticks out his tongue, causing me to roll my eyes.

'So childish.'

"If I'm so 'boring', why are you still hanging out with me?" I say with a slight smirk tugging at my lips as his eyes snap open. The demon hums and pouts before lifting a finger and opening his mouth. He shuts it a moment later before pointing a finger at me.

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