Perhaps, You Like to Suffer

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•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

——————————————————____________________________________Your POV:____________________________________

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     A pained groan woke me up as I shot up from bed to find Bill on the floor, clutching his stomach before collapsing onto his side, breathing raggedly.

     "Curse this stupid body. I was in for too long," he croaks, squeezing his eyes shut with gritted teeth. His face turned visibly hot, so red I thought his head might pop. This looks worse than the other times he's gotten feverish.

     "We have to cool you down. I'll go get some ice. Just hold on." He seemed like he wanted to make some smart remark, but was in too much pain to say much. I ran out of the room to the ice machine down the hall, filling up a small cup before hurrying back. I set the cup on the nightstand before helping him onto the bed, almost pulling away immediately after feeling how hot he was, but I bit through it and laid him against the mattress.

     "Burning. I'm burning," he mutters deliriously as I spill the ice cubes onto a hand towel before bunching it up and holding it to his face to cool him down.

     "Hold this." His hand felt around until he could grab the towel, and I make sure he held it in a way that wouldn't let the ice out. I then get up to run some more towels under cold water before placing them over his body until he was practically covered in them. I even slid one under his shirt on top of his belly for good measure. He was half-conscious by the time I finished and sat beside him, taking the towel with ice into my hand to pat it around his face again. "This is karma for laughing at me like that."

     "I have... No regrets." He grinned a bit before wincing and groaning in pain and frustration. "This kind of pain is no fun at all." I shake my head at the demon, still angry with him but very worried all the same. It looked like it was hurting really bad. I could only imagine.

     "Take it easy. Just sleep it off. That usually works. I think it's too soon for you to be using any kind of powers. You'll end up killing yourself at this rate," I scold before sighing. I doubt he'll listen to me anyway. I make myself comfortable to watch TV as I continue holding the ice to his feverish face until the heat died down enough for me to move away to the foot of the bed. I choose to ignore him at that point, seeing as he was starting to get better already, but noticed that I heard no obnoxious snores, so he probably hasn't fallen asleep, though his eyes were closed.

It didn't matter, so long as I was able to concentrate on something other than my hurt feelings by zoning out during the movie.

Author's POV:

     A set of mismatched eyes opened up, blearily before looking over to the figure seated at the end of the bed. The heat in his face and body had regulated some, but left his body feeling achy and his brain a little fried. A part of Bill was tempted to mess with the woman again, to pull out another strand of hair for his collection or something of the like, but with the pain in his body, he couldn't bring himself to do anything he would deem fun. Y/N was very obviously still upset, regardless of having helped him, but he didn't really care much. She was always angry with him. She'd get over it, like always, he assumed.

He just does it because it's fun to push her buttons. He had even gotten her crying this time. Quite the accomplishment, but he thought he'd be more thrilled about it. It still brought him joy, just not as much as he thought. There was no reason to linger in the why though. With the help of the ice and towels, he eventually cooled back down to a normal temperature, and so he began peeling them off one by one. Raising his shirt a bit, he took off the last one over his stomach, but instead of discarding it on the floor with all the rest, he swung the damp fabric back and forth in thought as he looked between the towel and his "nurse".

The demon grinned a bit at the thought of throwing it at the back of her head. Nearly, he had let go of it as soon as the thought crossed his mind just for a laugh; although, he had done similar things before. The same tricks can get old. Last thing he wanted was to be bored with his toy. Tossing the rag onto the floor, Bill pouts before examining his hand, wondering about his powers that are gradually returning with each passing day. Eventually, he'll be strong enough to enact his revenge against the Pines family and regain his triangular shape. He wanted it sooner rather than later, though. This strange illness was really putting a damper on his plans. Damn the limitations of a human meat sack.

     His attention was brought back to Y/N after she shut the TV off and rubbed at her exhausted eyes. His eyelids shut as soon as she began to turn around, his jaw opening to let out fake snores, as if that could fool her. Breathing a low sigh, the woman rolled her eyes and turned off all the lights in the room before getting under the covers beside the cause of her torment for some real rest. Once she's comfortable, Y/N patiently awaits sleep in silence, still ignoring the creature, though his snoring had stopped. The darkness was penetrated by a dim, yellow glow from his eye as it opened, peering at the back of her head, which faced him.

     She's gotten unusually comfortable. Even knowing his addiction to playing tricks, she sleeps calmly beside him. Her patience is strong, he'll give her that, or maybe she's just that stupid? Smirking to himself, Bill reached out to pluck a strand of her hair. Being deep in sleep, Y/N didn't feel a thing, and so, he did it again with the same results. She never fails to amuse him, which made him wonder what role she should play after he's all better.

She's too funny to discard, so she'll have to be alive and able to move about and talk. Perhaps, his personal jester would be a perfect job for when the world is his once more. He liked the sound of that. Giggling softly to himself, Bill pulls out one last strand before cuddling up to the human with his arms wrapped around her in a firm grip. She's comfy, like a breathing pillow. Perhaps, he should turn her into a talking mattress? Yet again, he laughs at the thought while shutting his eyes, keeping a smile on his face. It had been a long time since anyone had ever cared about him like this, put up with his antics no matter how horrid the trick.

Actually... No one has ever put up with him like this, only when he had hidden portions of his true self, like with Ford, or when he had scared them into submission, but Y/N seemed to understand he had no regards for human feelings and such, so she never expected much, even when she herself felt betrayed by him laughing at her pain. It was funny to him, simple as that. Demons thrive on the misery of others. They are a match made in Hell. Slowly, he opens his eyes again and looks over at her peaceful face with his lips forming a straight line.

     'Perhaps you like to suffer?' He wonders to himself, a slight grin growing into place.

    'Or, perhaps, I was right all along, and you truly do have feelings for me? Oh, how rich that'd be.' He was almost tempted to laugh again, but refrained as he got comfortable once more.

'I think I'll finally show her what I've been working on.'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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