Traversing the Mindscape

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•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

——————————————————____________________________________Your POV:____________________________________

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"Y/N~ Oh, Y/N~" Sings a voice full of mischief as a socked foot shoved at my back repeatedly, an action I did my best to ignore while I flipped through the channels on TV. As he persists, I eventually let out a loud groan and cave.

"What now?" I ask, somewhat irritated, but mostly unbothered, since I've come to expect this sort of behavior out of the dream demon. Getting pissy about it only makes him more annoying, anyways. I didn't bother to turn and face him, even when I heard the sheets shuffling behind me or felt a heavy weight on my back as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and smashed his cheek against mine.

"I wanna try something." At this, I raise a brow, and even without looking at him, I was sure he had a wide grin on his face.

"What kind of something?" I narrow my eyes in uncertainty as I lower the remote, landing on some soap opera that served as background noise for our conversation.

"I want to know just what's going on in this pretty, little head of yours," Bill claims, grabbing ahold of my skull a bit hard and shaking my head around, leading me to shove at his face to push him off. The demon giggles as he leans back on his palms, while I shoot him a strong glare.

"You are not cracking my skull open."

"Oh, that can be for another time. I'm talking about your mindscape, kid." One of his nimble fingers poked at my forehead, making my nose scrunch up.

"And how, pray tell, do you plan to do that, and who's to say I'll let you?" I push away his finger as a smirk grew on his lips, and he leaned towards my face.

"You forget what I am. You're a really bad listener, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah, dream demon or whatever. I don't get the big whoop."

"Wanna see the big whoop?" Bursting my personal bubble, he comes nearly nose-to-nose with me, and my stare hardens.

"Say 'big whoop' like that one more time, and your ass is gonna get whooped and thrown out that window." Pointing towards the windows with one hand, I raised the other in preparation to smack him, but the blonde moved back with a hardy laugh. He always finds my threats hilarious.

"Come on, it's not like it'll hurt... Much." Again, he pulled a suspicious grin that I didn't much care for as he thrusted his hand towards my crossed arms to shake. "I know I've got a little juice in me and that I can use some of my powers. You wanna help me get better, right, Nurse Y/N?"

"And, how is this helping?"

"If I get back to full power, you will have successfully healed me, and you want to get rid of me, don't you?"

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