Pillow Wars

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•H/C: Hair Color

Your POV:

—————————————————Your POV:__________________________________

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I wake in the morning, cozy and warm. I couldn't even bring myself to open my eyes, knowing that would disturb the peace. It's so nice being able to sleep in the bed again. I could lie here all day. Unexpectedly, I feel a itty-bitty sting in the back of my head, causing my features to scrunch a little, but I ultimately ignore it.

I'm too comfortable to care. It was probably just an itch anyway. The sensation went away quickly only for it to happen again a moment later. Groaning, I turn over, hoping that would put an end to it, but to my frustration, it happens yet again. I groggily open my eyes, glaring through the haze to find myself nose-to-nose with a certain, blonde maniac. Held between Bill's pinched fingers are a few strands of H/C hair, which I'm assuming were just pulled from my head. Alerted by this, my hand flies to where they had been plucked from.

"Are you pulling out my hair?" I ask in disbelief, though I really shouldn't have put it past him.

"... No~" Very slowly, he hides the hairs behind his back while wearing the most 'innocent' grin. My expression informs him that I'm not convinced. Heaving an irritated sigh, I force myself out of bed, though I would've rather stayed under the covers. Unfortunately, I had the feeling Bill would've continued to rip out hairs regardless of me catching him in the act. Giving a yawn, I think back to the weather channel, which I had watched last night. It'll be a hot one today, but luckily, the hotel's air conditioning is working well; however, I don't intend to spend the day inside. I'll go crazy dealing with Bill's boredom.

'Maybe we should go to the pool today?' I wonder while sluggishly making my way over to my bag to choose my clothes for the day, deciding on a black, short-sleeve V-neck along with comfortable, green shorts.

'Then again...' I send a glance back at the demon on the bed, who is currently staring intensely at the ceiling for some reason, seemingly lost in his own, little world.

'With my luck, he'd try drowning himself, leaving me to carry his body again.'

"What's wrong with you now?"

"Thinking," he responds simply with a shrug.

"About what? How many cracks are in the ceiling?" I joke while approaching him.

"Demon stuff," Bill answers vaguely.

"What? No comeback this time?" I quirk a brow at the demon as he raises his right hand to stare at the skinny fingers. "Now what?" I wonder as his eyes narrow into a concentrated glare. To my surprise, he does not answer.

'Did he not hear me?'

"Bil—" His name is cut off abruptly by a finger pressed to my lips.

"Shh! Can't you see I'm trying to concentrate?" His focus was not lost; in fact, his gaze had hardened as he spoke. I watch in awe as blue sparks ignite at his fingertips, bringing a wide grin to his face as he quickly sits up. "Come on! Come on! Almost," the blonde mutters excitedly while leaning in closer. In an instant, his whole hand is engulfed in blue flames, which hit him right in the face when it flared. Caught by surprise, the male falls back, off the bed, with a loud thud that made me wince. I go to ask if he was alright when a hand making the 'okay' sign suddenly rises from the side of the bed. "I'm okay!"

"What the heck was that?!" The demon scoff, and stares at me like I'm stupid when he sits up.

"What did it look like it was, genius?" Okay, just for that comment, I couldn't help myself. I reach for the nearest pillow and toss it at him only for him to dodge with ease. "Oh, so, it's gonna be like that, huh?" Chuckling, the man puts on an evil smirk and picks up the fallen pillow. Acting fast, I duck behind the bed as he threw it full-force at my head. He throws another, giving me ammo, so naturally, I fight back. Pillows are whipped back and forth, and I'm surprised nothing got broken during the war. Just as I pop up to throw another, I scream when a body comes hurdling towards me, tackling me to the floor. I groan and glare up at Bill's grinning face as he pins me down. "I win!"

"No fair!"

"Oh, it's fair, and you wanna know why? It's because I'm the greatest," he claims egotistically.

"You lunatic," I grumble under my breath. "Can you get off me now?" I attempt to twist my wrists out of his grip only for his fingers to lace with mine and keep me put, which did not amuse me in the slightest.

"Say it~" he sings, smirk still plastered to his face.

"Say what?" I struggle harder, but it was pointless. How a man so scrawny can be so strong is beyond me.

"Who's the greatest?"

"I'm not doing this!" I raise my leg to kick him off only for Bill to sit on them, rendering me helpless.

"Come on, say my name."

"Bill Cipher..." I mutter so quietly, it was nearly impossible to hear.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Bill's smugness only seemed to increase as he leans his ear closer to me.

"BILL CIPHER IS THE GREATEST! IS THAT LOUD ENOUGH FOR YOU?!" I shout as loud as I could directly into his ear, causing him to draw back quickly and pat it, releasing me.

"Is it normal to hear ringing?" With the roll of my eyes, I shove him over, sending the man rolling into the floor, since he was off-balance.

"You're lucky I have the patience to deal with you." I comment while standing up. "Want to go swimming?"

"Only if you say I'm sexy," he requests while wriggling his eyebrows.

"Guess we aren't going, then." I plop down on the mattress giving the demon a smirk of my own, making him pout.

"You're so mean," he whines sarcastically before thinking it over.

"But, fine, I'll go. Only because it's so boring in here."

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