Pain is Hilarious

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I make a face of discomfort while gently massaging my throbbing arm and shoulder which still hurt from the shopping cart incident. I'm covered in mild bruising and scrapes, but I cleaned every cut and covered them with bandages as soon as we got to the hotel. That didn't stop it from aching, though. A scoff sounds from the bed behind me.

"Oh, don't be such a baby. You're fine." I peer over my shoulder in time to see the demon waving his hand about as he talked as if to brush me off.

"We can't all be masochists, now, can we? You just had to make a dramatic exit, didn't you?" I go back to packing our camping bag, doing my best to ignore my screaming joints. After we arrived back at the hotel, I left my parents a message saying that I'd be bringing a "friend" along with me. They seemed cool with it. I just hope Bill doesn't do anything stupid in front of them, but he probably will.

"But of course!" The blonde snickers before hanging upside-down over the side of the bed, his hair dangling and showing off both eyes. "So, are we going or what? I'm bored!" He takes to fiddling with his newly fixed sunglasses to entertain himself. Earlier, he had used a little magic on them which, thankfully, knocked him out for a good few minutes. It was a small amount of time, but I cherished every second of peace and quiet.

"You're always bored, but yeah, I'm done." Slinging the bag over my good shoulder, I turn to the big nuisance. "Let's go."

"Finally!" Sitting upright now, he jumps off the bed and snatches my arm. With incredible speed, he drags me out of the place, and I was thankfully able to kick the door shut before we got too far. He was moving too fast for me to even pick up my feet!

"Bill! Bill, stop!" I scream when he stops suddenly, releasing my arm, which sent me flying forward. Unable to catch myself, I tumble and roll along the ground, hurting myself further. I groan long and loud when I stop on my back in the grass.

'Definitely got a few new bruises from that.' With a wince, I shut my eyes and reopen them to find Bill standing over me with a impudent grin on his face. I glare at him.

"What? You said stop."

"Yeah, stop," Grunting, I pick myself up and dust my grey cargo shorts, "Not throw me down a hill."

"Really? Cause I could have sworn I heard those words." I shake my head at him and stumble a bit as we head for the woods.

'All right, so mom said to follow the path until we can see the smoke from the campfire. Simple enough.' They should already have the flames roaring by now. Packing took a lot longer than intended due to Bill's usual antics. This time, he decided to mess around with firecrackers that he had apparently snuck into his pockets at the store. How we haven't been kicked out of the hotel yet is beyond me. Who could've guessed that a chaos demon would be so dangerous to have around? I shout in surprise when he suddenly hops onto my back, expecting me to carry him piggyback style, but since I wasn't prepared for that, I fell flat on my face.

"I hate you so much," I mutter after spitting out dirt.

"I love you too, toots." Hissing through my teeth, I somehow manage to get up with him clinging to my back like some deranged koala. It certainly wasn't easy though. My legs wobbled, and I almost fell over again twice.

"Is it just me, or did you get heavier?"

"Oh, that's just the neat rock I found." A large stone obstructs my view of the path ahead, nearly hitting my nose. If I didn't move my head back in time, it might've smashed it. "It looks like one of my old buddies!"

"Throw that away. I have a limit, you know?" I try to push the misshapen rock away from my face, but to my dismayed held onto it. At least I could see in front of me now.

"Come on! Giddy up, toots! Hya!" I yelp when I feel a tug in my hair and nearly topple over.

"Oi, I'm not a horse!" I move fast, wanting him off my back already. If I had waited a second longer, my legs might've given out. Right before the sun could set, I was relieved to finally come across a stream of smoke rising above the towering pines. "Thank God!" I drop him without a care in the world, making him shout as he fell to the ground. I nearly collapsed beside him, but instead, I plant my hands on my knees and take a breather. I turn around to face my tormentor when I hear him laughing about how hard he hit his skull. Rolling my eyes, I kneel beside him and say, "You done?" His laughter stops abruptly as he hold up one finger.

"Not quite." Bill continues his hysteric fit of laughter for a few more minutes, rolling back and forth on his back while clutching his stomach. Then, he pops up and links arms with me before dragging me along. "Okay, I'm done! Onwards!"

'He's going to be the death of me.'

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