Tourist Trap in the Woods

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•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

——————————————————Your POV:___________________________________

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The most irritating, grating snore broke me out of dreamland and caused my eyes to shoot open. Annoyed, I growl, knowing it was too early without even looking at a clock.

'God! I swear he does this on purpose.' I pull my pillow out from under me and use it to cover my ears, which ultimately proves to be useless, so I go with plan B. Flipping over onto my other side, I shake the demon's shoulder roughly.

"Put a sock in it. What are you, a lawn mower? Why do you have to be so annoying in the mornings?" I complain groggily, and his comeback? A rancid burp to the face.

"Ugh!" Nose crinkled, I sit up and wave a hand in front of my face to make the smell go away, while a grin appears on his lips. "Bill, what the heck did you eat?"

"Late night snack," he mumbles before turning over, hogging the blankets.

"What did you eat, garbage?"

"Bingo." I stare at the demon with a mix of disbelief and disgust. I could never tell apart his jokes and what he means seriously. Hopefully, he didn't actually eat from the trash.

"You're weird, you know that?"

"And, you're dumb, did you know that? Oh, wait! You don't 'cause you're dumb!" I kick the giggling maniac off the bed, and he falls to the floor with a hard thud, but I doubt he was hurt. The blankets should have provided him with enough padding. "So that's how you wanna play, huh?" Grinning evilly, the yellow-eyed demon pokes his head over the side of the mattress, and my face pales. Before he could pounce, I made a break for the bathroom. He scrambles after me, but I manage to get inside before he could catch me and am sure to lock the door to keep him out.

Hopefully, he won't be able to break in.

Author's POV:

"You can't hide in there forever!" Bill laughs insanely while jiggling the knob of the bathroom door wildly to no avail. Realizing it had be locked, he decides to attempt teleportation, knowing that he had gained a little power in his time of rest with the human. However, since they had not fully come back yet, his face slammed straight into the door when he appeared closer to it. Covering his, now bloody, nose, he stumbles back from the door with an annoyed huff.

'So much for that.' Sniffling, he revels in the painful tingle stimulating his nostrils as he wipes the blood on his arm before sitting down in front of the bathroom. Y/N does the same, making herself comfy on the tile floor while trying to think of her next move. She knew he was waiting out there. Her best bet was to stall until he lost interest. His short attention span wouldn't be able to stand waiting too long, so she decides on a nice, long shower to start the day. The sound of rushing water caused his head to perk.

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