Sink or Swim

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Your POV:

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As excited as I was to get to the pool after stepping outside into such Hellish heat, we had to make a small detour to the nearest shop to buy Bill swim trunks. Well, it was supposed to be a small detour. Shopping with the deranged demon was an... interesting experience to say the least. Let's just say I met a nice security guard today. I've been awake maybe two hours and am already exhausted. I just want to relax by the pool and cool off already.

After what felt like an eternity, we made it to the public pool, and as expected, people were packed in there like sardines. Not one chair was available to sit on. Luckily, I came prepared. I find a empty space and open the bag I carried with me, pulling out our towels along with a thin blanket that I normally use if I wanted to lie on the grass. I roll out the blanket before setting our towels side-by-side on top of it, which was when I realized my lack of annoyance. I was overcome with a number of emotions as I whipped my head around in search of a certain blonde, fear and anxiety mainly.

'Now where did he run off to?!' Really, the only person who stood out to me was the creepy lifeguard doing pushups by the pool. Weirdo. I let out a scream as I was suddenly thrown over someone's shoulder, which got a laugh out of my captor. I recognized the sound instantly and gave an irritated groan while I hung there like a sack of potatoes, my face red with anger.

'This jerk-wad never quits, does he?'

"Bill, what the fudge man?! Are you trying to give me a heart-attack?"

"No, but that would be fun too." Giggling maniacally, he swung me around carelessly while ensuring I stayed on his shoulder on his way to the water. I panicked after realizing what he was planning.

"Bill, no! I'm still in my regular clo—" But, it was too late. In a matter of seconds, I was tossed into the pool and dunked under the refreshing liquid. I took a loud gasp when I resurfaced and paddled over to the ledge while coughing. Bill was rolling on the ground, laughing hysterically at me. I, however, was less than amused.

"Haha. Yeah, you got me," I say, voice dripping with sarcasm. One look at my drenched form and he began laughing so hard his face turned bright red. I could even see tears forming at the corners of his eyes as he picked himself up, clutching his stomach. I roll my eyes at this before a smirk grew on my lips. With him distracted, I was able to grab his shirt and pull him into the water with me, cutting his laughter short. He drew in a deep breath when he broke the surface and splashed about before clinging to me like a barnacle. It then hit me that the man barely knows how to eat; can he even swim? I shout and attempt to pry him off me as he was dragging me under the water in his struggle to stay afloat, but he refuses to let go.

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