Bewarb The Triangle Man

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

——————————————————____________________________________Author's POV:____________________________________

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Huffing and puffing, Gideon ran as fast as his little legs could take him, his chubby cheeks bright red by the time he makes it to his destination. Catching his breath, he leans against the doorway and pulls a handkerchief out from his pocket to wipe the sweat off his brow.

"Goodness gracious, it's hot out." Bending his head back some with a final breath, he frantically pounds his fist on the door to the Mystery Shack, hoping to reach the people in side. Soon enough, the door is pulled open by an older boy with brown hair covered by his signature hat who stood with his sister, Mabel. Both were confused by the sight of Gideon as he continued to dab his forehead with the cloth. The look of fear on his face was concerning.

"Gideon?" They both spoke his name at the same time. Nearly, they were about to call Jinx on each other until the younger boy sputtered out words through heavy breaths.

"Pines, we gotta... We gotta... Boy, I'm thirsty." He holds a hand over his throat while snapping his fingers at Dipper demandingly. "W- Water." He was about to turn him away, but... His gut was telling him this might be something serious. Looking over at his sister, she shrugged, causing him to sigh roughly and look back at him.

"Fine, come in."

"Oh, thank heavens." Relief filled his features as he came right in, between the twins, straight to the living room to sit on Stan's chair, still catching his breath as he sunk into it, while Dipper fetched him a glass of water. It was downed in seconds before being placed on the nearby side table as Dipper and Mabel stood in front of him, suspicious with arms crossed.

"So, what's this about? Not some scheme you cooked up, is it? I thought you were done with that after Weirdmagedon happened." Naturally, Dipper was still a bit mistrusting, even though the boy had renounced his evil dealings a while ago. This meeting just didn't sit right with him. The room filled with tension at the mention of that awful event, their faces filled with dread, but none more so than Gideon, who began trembling at the hands as he broke into a nervous sweat.

"F- Funny you mention that." Tugging at his collar, which felt a little snug at the moment, as he looked them straight in the eye, speaking fearfully, Gideon says, "He's back."

"Who's back?" Dipper asks, even more confused now than ever as Gideon looked near ready to cry. Never did he expect the name that tumbled out of his mouth in a low whisper, as if speaking it would summon the very being he had faced.

"Bill Cipher."

   "Achoo!" Bill sneezes roughly, collapsing onto the sidewalk at Y/N's feet with a loud, drawn-out groan. "Someone's talking about me..." he mutters before pouting at his human slave who sent him an unamused look as he reached for her ankle to keep her from walking away from him. "How do you humans walk around all day on these worthless, flesh sticks? I miss floating!" He whines.

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