Don't Anger a Demon

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

—————————————————Author's POV:__________________________________

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Figuring Bill could handle himself for a while, Y/N decides to check it out. Besides, it would grant her a much needed break from the creature. The name was familiar to her too, and she wanted to investigate further.

"Hey, wait!" he calls after the girl almost desperately, reaching out in her direction as though that would stop her. Ignoring his call, she proceeds toward the rundown, tourist attraction to see what all the fuss was about. Bill scrambles to get up and grab her, but she was already within sight of one of the Pines twins, which stopped him in his tracks. Panicked, he hides behind the trunk of a tree, heart pounding uncomfortably fast. Frustrated, he pulls at his hair and quietly curses.

'Yeesh! Look at me! I'm afraid of the Pines family. I should be out there getting my revenge, not hiding!' And, yet, that was how his body naturally responded. He blames it on stupid, human instinct and peers around the tree to watch Y/N entering that wretched place. He wanted to scream as his face burned a bright red in anger before he plopped down and waited for her return. He couldn't go there. He just couldn't.

After a few huffs and puffs, he manages to cool down a little, though he was still upset. To pass the time, he takes the opportunity to continue working on a little project, which he had kept hidden within his pocket. With precision, he pieces it together as he stews in his thoughts. As much as he hated to admit it, Y/N was the only one to put up with him and his obnoxious behavior. It was something he liked about her.

Bill looked forward to making the girl go insane as she brought him back to perfect health. What he'd do with her after her use to him was up, he had no idea yet, but he kept on wondering. For now, he'd just have to deal with being dependent on the human for a while longer. The demon holds the object at eye-level to examine it and make sure he was making it correctly before clicking his tongue.

"Damn, I need more."

Your POV:

'Wow, this place really is filled with junk,' I think to myself in amusement while shaking my head at the number of poor quality items up for sale at over-the-top prices, and some of the merchandise was just plain weird, though I suppose that's something to be expected, concerning the odd town and shabby sign outside.

'At least I was able to get a breather from Bill for a minute. I should probably get back to him. He's probably going to throw a fit about me leaving him behind like that.' Though I was initially curious about this place, the main reason I decided to come in here was because I knew he wouldn't. Was that mean? Oh well, who cares? He's the one giving me grey hairs. I needed a break from that weirdo; besides, I wanted to meet this "evil Pines family" that he hates so much for myself.

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