The Mind Demon's Sickness

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•E/C: Eye Color

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'So much for a nice meal.' I give an exasperated sigh while walking out of the diner with a certain nuisance trailing at my heels. I swear if he steps on the backs of my shoes one more time, I'm introducing his face to my fist. I crane my neck to look up at the lanky demon with an unamused glare set in my E/C eyes. "You really need to learn to chew your food properly," I say whilst picking out a half-eaten popcorn shrimp from my hair. Bill had coughed up a bunch of them earlier, when he thought could handle swallowing thirteen at once, and most, unfortunately, landed on me, though, I'm positive that was done on purpose. The blonde sniggers in response with a wide grin that shows a majority of his teeth. I roll my eyes at this.

'Why did I help him again?' We were barely ten steps away from the restaurant, when he suddenly slaps a hand over his heart and stops walking, causing me to give a loud groan and whirl around to face him.

"What's wrong now?" I ask with clear annoyance, already tired of his games. I expected a snarky response, but instead, the demon falls to his knees before vomiting blood onto the sidewalk. My eyes widen as he coughs and struggles to breathe while racing to his side. "Bill?!"

I shake his shoulder as he stops and releases a pained groan. He, then, looks at me with a tired look in his eyes before they roll to the back of his head, and he falls unconscious into the pool of his own blood. "Not again." Frustrated, I wrap his skinny arms around me to carry him on my back and struggle to stand before racing to the hotel. Obviously, I received a few questioning looks on my way as I shoved past people, but I ignored all of them, not slowing for even a moment.

Once in my room, I bring him to the bed and drop his limp body there. My phone rings, but I ignore the call, too worried about Bill's health to concern myself with anything else. There wasn't much I could do to help him, but a hospital is probably out of the question, so all I can do is wait for him to wake up. In the meantime, I take advantage of his unconscious state to bandage his arms fully, so that he can no longer pick at the scabs, but I flinch upon touching his bare skin. It's hot, like fire, and that's not even an exaggeration. I place a hand on his head and receive the same result. Even his cheeks are flushed.

'I need to cool him down.' I go over to the air conditioning and set it to a lower temperature before going to the bathroom to wet a towel with icy cold water. After wringing it out in the sink, I fold it and place the cloth on his forehead as his lips part to breathe through his mouth instead of his nose. Each breath was strained, and his face got even redder — to the point it looked more like a severe sunburn than a little blush, which made me nervous.

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