Chapter 21- Screwed

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Dedicated to bomorganb for voting on most of my chapters since I began WSSF

Chapter 21- Screwed

I wish I was tall,

I wish I was fast,

I wish I could shop with a bag full of cash,

cause if I want you I gotta have that

(come, come kiss me boy)

-Cher Lloyd ft T.I

SKylar's POV:


Too soon the ride comes to a stop and Dean helps me off the bike. "so I'm guessing you take back your words." Dean smirks raising an eyebrow to me.

"I don't admit anything." I state stubbornly running my fingers through my hair to get rid of the tangles. I fix up my outfit and I instantly become aware that we are in school and people are most likely watching us. I turn around to see many pupils at our school with there mouths hanging open.

"Who's the hot chick?" some random asks.

And that's how all hell brakes loose.


Well today was not what I was expecting at all. I didn't expect everyone to make such a big deal about my makeover.

When that guy made a comment about me Dean snapped his head up glaring at the guy.

As expected all the whispering becomes louder and I just want a giant hole to swallow me up. I keep my head down as Dean leads us away from the crowd were we conveniently see Aaron and Mike.

"Hey chicka, you look hot!" Mike exclaims gripping me into a tight hug.

"Let.... me ....go!" I wheeze as he squeezes me tighter. He just laughs before letting go of me. He ruffles my hair then moves away quickly as he sees the scowl in my face.

"Hi to you too Sky!" Aaron waves sarcastically.

“Yes hi to me too! awww thank you." I joke looking flattered making Aaron roll his eyes.

" if I knew you were gonna look this good I wouldn't have suggested the makeover." Dean comments practically to himself now glaring at Mike and Aaron who were coincidentally staring in my direction. I blush slightly and I grin surfaces my face went I know what to Dean next.

“Aww Mr Bad boy is feeling a little jealous and regretful? " I tease him making his face turn pale.

"What? I didn't say anything." he denies quickly making me put on a smirk of my own.

"ohh but you did." I wink at him and turn around to make my way to my homeroom but not before saying goodbye to Aaron and Mike by blowing a kiss and winking again at Dean.

Gosh, I'm gonna have some fun with this.


"George Jenson?"


"Mia Kale?"


"Skylar Kingston?"


Mr Gray snapper his head up again as if he was looking for me.

"Miss Kingston?"

I feel my face heat up as everyone's attention turns to me. I meekly put my hand up making Mr Gray's face contort into one of surprise.

"Oh sorry about that Skylar." he apologize before continuing with the roll. I sunk deeper into my chair trying to hide the embarrassment. 

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