Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"It seems I've found our little runaway..." said Pete with a grin, standing a few feet behind the First Lady, who was sitting at the pool in the garden... at night in her pajamas.

"I'm busted." she smiled and turned around.

"You know," he stepped closer, "Tom will surely freak out if he will realize that you're lost."

"Yeah, probably."

"Would you mind if I would join you?" He pointed next to her.

"No, of course not." She shook her head, pulling together a bit the thin material on her.

"It's a bit cold outside here, so I can offer you my jacket if you want," said Pete and her answer was a slight nod.

"Thank you. It's much better now," she smiled gratefully as he covered her back with it.

"And here's a hot tea for you. I knew you will need it."

"So you were spying on me?" she asked playfully, drinking a bit from the hot liquid.

"Not exactly, just caught as you were sneaking out on the back door in your pajamas, and I was curious where you're going."

"Now you already know it."

"Yeah, that's true, but it won't save poor Tom from his worst nightmare."

"I'm sure he won't be angry, he is always so cute with me."

"Of course he is," chuckled Pete. "He has a crush on you."

"And what is so wrong with that?... I mean every woman loves when a man has a crush on her."

"Then you have to love most of the guys from your security team." She looked at him questioningly. "Most of them has a crush on you."



"And... do you have a crush on me as well?" she asked suddenly, now looking right into his eyes.

"If I answer this question... then you have to answer one for me also. Deal?"

"Yes, that's fair. So?... Do you have a crush on me?"

He just looked at her with his confusing smile for a few moments, finding extremely sweet that she was so self-confident.

"Well let me see... go along from outside, there's... beautiful blonde hair... the most blue eyes I've ever seen..." She could not help, but smiled. "The loveliest smile... sylph-like figure... kind with everyone... caring... clever... sweet and adorable. Well, it seems as a yes to me. So my answer is definitely a yes." he smiled and she still tried to seem self-confident, but in her eyes he saw something else. "So it's your turn now..."

"Right... just shoot." she looked at him challengingly, then they just looked at each other for a few moments.

"What do you think?... Could you... Could you love me?" he asked and she didn't seem so self-confident anymore, she was rather puzzled.

"I... I think it's better if I go. It's already too cold outside and I do not want to cause any trouble for Tom." She mumbled and jumped up. "And... and thank you for your jacket." She gave it back quickly then hurried away, leaving Pete behind with a smile on his face, because he got his answer from the way she looked at him...

To be continued...

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