Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"So we're going to a special place. It's just around the corner, a small vintage cinema playing only old time movies."

"I already love it," her eyes were shining. "Cinema is my most favorite place on earth."

"I know, that's why I chose it... and I arranged a few things there."

"How you mean?"

"I have a connection, so I could choose the film for tonight and the last three rows will be only ours."

"Aw, perfect." she smiled with adoration as they reached the cinema.

A few minutes later they were already sitting in the last row, making themselves comfortable.

"You know, I just love this whole day," she smiled, looking at him "I haven't felt so well for a long time."

"Me neither, that's sure." he agreed, giving her a kiss.

"So what film did you choose?"

"Um... Roman Holiday with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck."

"That's one of my favorites, a real classic romantic comedy."

"And what is more the story fits you perfectly, the princess who tries to enjoy life in incognito."

"Yes, that's true, but I'm not a princess..." she laughed.

"But of course you are... the name Sarah means princess."

"Oh, yes... You really checked that?"

"Uh-huh," he smiled "I just love this name somehow."

"I really have no idea why..." she giggled when the lights started fading.

"Oh, it's starting..." he said and could not resist to tease her a little, "They told me it's a pretty scary film, so if you would want to snuggle up to me during it, you know..."

"Well, I think I've heard the same, so I think it's better if I not risk anything," she giggled and leaned against his chest, letting him to gently hug her. Their place was a little piece of heaven, safely hiding from the world and cuddling in the dark for an hour or so.

"Pete..." she whispered.

"You okay?" he whispered back.

"Yeah, but you promised a classic experience, right?" she smiled mischievously.

"Oh... I thought I've done everything. So is there anything you miss?"

"Actually, just one little thing..." she smiled. "I do love everything, the cinema, this lovely old time movie and the best seats at the back, but... I think sitting in the last row requires another classic thing."

"Just tell me..." he smiled lovingly.

"No... I think I will rather show you..." she whispered and softly kissed him on the lips...

The film was really enchanting, but actually neither of them saw it, because they were lost in their own little world.

"I think the film is over..." whispered Pete between her lips, trying to catch a last kiss.

"What?... are you kidding?" asked Sarah surprised, "It cannot be over yet, it's just started..."

"Two hours ago," chuckled Pete.

"Indeed... It seems time really flies in good company. By the way, I can't really feel my right leg..." she giggled.

"Like I do my arm, but I think it totally worth it." he remarked as he helped her up, "We have to go back before Tom's shift ends."

"Yeah... I really don't want to cause him any trouble." she smiled as they rushed out from the cinema hand in hand, but at the door they recoiled.

"Oh my God," she cried, "I've never ever seen a thunder-shower like this before."

"Me neither, but we have to go back somehow."

"Yeah, but how?"

"Stay here, while I'll go and take the car."

"No, don't go." she cried. "That's at least two corners, you'll catch a cold."

"But then we won't be back on time." sighed Pete, trying to figure out something.

"We do not get there anyway... there must be a huge traffic jam in a weather like this."

"That's true." he agreed, "But we cannot stay here on the street. We should go up to my place, if it's ok for you. It's just a few meters away."

"Of course, let's go."

"Right, then take my jacket. Maybe it helps a little."

"Oh, thank you." she smiled gratefully as he covered her with it, then took her hand.

"And now... run."

To be continued...

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