Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"So what's next?" asked Pete, trying to figure out what would be right or wrong, because he didn't want to make a mistake.

"I don't know...," she shrugged her shoulders. "I've never been in a situation like this before."

"Me neither..."

"But I think one thing is sure... we're going to have to be careful."

"Yes, that's true." he nodded in agreement, then started smiling "But... can I hold you hand?"

She seemed hesitant, so he stepped closer..."Sarah, do you trust me?"

"... Of course I trust you," she sighed and accepted his hand with a shy smile.

"Then come on..." he winked and they started to walk hand in hand on a hidden path. "This part of the garden is totally safe. There are no cameras and this is the only road, so we can immediately see if someone is coming," he tried to relax her, but she was somewhere else in mind. All she could focus on was the touch of his hand. It was strong, warm and it seemed her own hand fitted it perfectly. She imagined that they're walking somewhere abroad on a vacation just hand in hand after a nice dinner somewhere.

"A penny for your thoughts?" asked Pete lovingly, when she finally came to her senses.

"Oh... I was just wondering."

"About something nice it seems," he was so cute.

"Um, yes." she blushed, "Walking hand in hand, it's like a...."

"A date?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"You know, I would really like to take you to a date." She could not help just laughed on his comment. "You don't believe I can?"

"Honestly?... how?"

"They say there's always a way if you want, so..."

"Okay... of course I'm in if you can solve it."

"Right," he winked and kissed her hand, "I promise I will figure out something."

"And I can't wait for that," she remarked happily as they continued their walk.

"You know... I already have a few ideas, but is there any wish? Breakfast at Tiffany's or..." she laughed up because she knew he was just teasing her.

"Actually I have something in mind..."

"Anything you want..." and she could see he was serious.

"Well... I would like to go to your favorite places, you know to get to know this city from your point of view."

"I love that idea and as a matter of fact I already have a few places in mind."

"Any clues?"

"No, sorry," he smiled. "But every part of it will be classic."


"Are you worried?" He teased her.

"No. Never," she chuckled.

"I know there's something in your mind... So what is the most important word you would describe your perfect date? Beside romantic of course."

"It seems you know me to well..." her smile was so sweet, "Let me think a little... okay, I got it. I think carefree and cosy."

"Carefree and cosy... right, I think the plan is ready."

To be continued...

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