Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"What are you talking about?" she tried to remain calm, while her heart was beating rapidly.

"You know, that was always the problem with you Sarah."


"You really think I'm that stupid? Really?" he asked bitterly. "Come on. Just say it."

"...Okay," she shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not going to deny it."

"I knew it. I so damn knew it." he cried and his eyes were full of disappointment.

"I think it was foreseeable."

"Foreseeable? Oh yes, because you are none other than a slut."

"A slut?! Me?!... Because I don't want to suffer in an emotionless marriage? Because I don't want to sacrifice myself? You haven't touched me for months now... Do you know how awful does it feel?" she cried, but he remained silent and avoided the eye contact. "And what is more, we barely talk to each other."

"... Because it's an important part of my life. You have to understand that."

"But I'm fed up with that, fed up with understanding. And you know what? The truth is that there's nothing to say to each other for quite a while."

"And you think that's the solution? Sleeping with someone else?"

"It's just the tip of the iceberg. Our marriage slowly died over the years, your work was always before me... always."

"Not always."

"Really? You even missed my birthday," she remarked and there was silence for a moment.

"...But I sent you flowers."

"Oh yes... or rather your assistant, right?" her look was hurt. "You know... I tried to meet the expectations, I really tried. But I was never good enough for you. Never good enough to finally care for me."

"You know it's not about that, just my work has a priority what you cannot accept."

"That's your excuse, the only excuse you can come up with, but it's boring now."

"And you immediately turned to someone else..."

"No. I just save my feelings for someone who cares." she picked up her bag and wanted to leave, but he grabbed her arm.

"We haven't finished yet."

"Yes, we have." she tried to free herself.

"You are MY wife Sarah, and I won't let some nobody steal you."

"Really? It already happened John. Our marriage only exists on paper... but not for long, because I want a divorce."

He just looked at her for a few moments, then leant closer and lowered his voice, "You perfectly know that you can't divorce from me. You are imprisoned in this marriage as long as I want."

"You can't force me..."

"Of course I can, and what is more... if I will realize who is that guy, he will be dead."

To be continued...

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