Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"You okay?" asked Pete breathlessly as they reached the doorway.

"Yeah, just my jeans and shoes are soaking wet... but you seem much worse."

"Oh, it's nothing." he smiled, trying to open the door with a wet hand, what was not an easy thing. "Finally... Just drop your things down then go and take a hot bath before you would catch a cold. Bathroom is over there."

"I'll be fine Pete, you are the one who is soaking wet from head to toe."

"I won't argue on this," he said and she could see the worry in his eyes. "So go to the bathroom, while I'll make a tea for you, ok?" she just nodded with a smile. "Oh, and clean towels are on the shelf."


"... And I will figure out something for Tom, don't worry."

"No," she smiled and shook her head. "I just wanted to say... that I love you," she whispered the last bit before he leant closer and kissed her lovingly.

In the bathroom, she quickly took off her wet clothes and while the bathtub filled up, she just stopped for a moment and stared into the mirror... her hair was wet... her make up blurry, but all she could see was happiness. She was sure Pete was the best thing what ever happened to her. He made her feel loved again, gave her hope and simply he was the one who brought her back to life...

As she finished and stepped out in a towel, she heard Pete's voice from the kitchen... he was with someone on the phone, so she decided it's better if she try to find some clothes. In his wardrobe the first thing she saw was a white shirt, what she could not resist and had to try it on.

"You know, I think it looks much better on you..." he smiled at the doorway with a mug in his hand.



"Fine... because I was just thinking, that I should wear this on that party Saturday," she turned around, sharing a smile.

"That would be a great success, I'm sure." he chuckled. "Here's your tea."

"Oh, thank you," she accepted it gratefully and took a gulp. "Umm, it's delicious..."

"You know, if you're cold, I can find some pants for you."

"No, I think I'll be fine... but if you insist."

"No. Not for the world," he protested. "You look extremely hot this way."

"Really?" she smiled mischievously.

"Uh-huh... Oh, I forgot to tell you, that I called Tom."

"He was freaked out, I'm sure."

"To put it politely, yes. I told him, I bumped into you on the street... you was soaking wet, so I took you up to my flat and I'll take you back as soon as I can."

"That's smart... and what about the shift change?"

"He's going to tell, you locked yourself into your room until morning, because you had a bad day or something like that."

"Perfect... so that means we have a few hours, right?"

"Yes," he smiled, but didn't move, so she put down her tea.

"Um... can I take a look around?"

"Of course, just feel free." he nodded. "I know it's not a big flat, but..."

"I simply love it." she remarked, as started walking around. "These bookshelves with those thousands of books, the sofa and all the little memories and photos everywhere. It's so cosy... I really feel myself at home," she smiled and looked up at him. "Pete, you okay?"

"Yeah... of course," but he was not too convincing.

"What's the matter?"

"...Do you think there is a problem?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. So please tell me," she said softly and stroked his arm. "I feel that you're in a puzzle a bit, right?"

"Yes, that's true... but I'm not sure whether you want to know or not."

To be continued...

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