Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"It's not Tom!" she cried as she turned around.

"How you mean it's not him?! He is stroking your back in front of me and you've just kissed him!"

"But it's not him... I just thanked him something."

"Oh sure..."

"Stay there!" she jumped between them.

"What? I won't hit him."

"Then don't get closer."

"There's no need for this Ma'am, thank you." said Tom and pulled her behind him.

"Hey! Get your hand off of my wife!"

"Please try to calm down Sir," he said quietly and took a step towards him, but that was a bad idea.

"You bloody bastard!" cried the President and punched him in the face then the fight started... They didn't spare each other, while Sarah just tried to separate them somehow. Everything happened as a flash, after an unfortunate movement from the President, Sarah fell on to the ground and that was the moment when Pete arrived. He didn't think just hit him so hard that he went off in a faint.

"You okay?" asked Pete as he helped her up.

"Yes, of course. I'm just a bit..."

"Oh my God, you're bleeding..."

"Really?" she touched her face with shaking hand.

"Come, we have to disinfect it." She just nodded. "Tom? You will manage it?" He asked and looked at the President's direction.

"Of course, just leave it to me."

"Thank you..." he nodded then turned back to Sarah to help her inside.


Upstairs, in her private quarters...

"Sorry, but it will sting a bit..." warned her Pete before she hissed, trying to be as gentle as he could. The wound on her cheekbone was not deep, just looked a bit bad.

"Thank you." she murmured as he put on a band aid as a finish.

"I have a feeling that I should not have to ask what happened..."

"Well... it was a misunderstanding."


"I just wanted to say thanks for yesterday and... and..."

"And I bet you kissed him as usual."

"Exactly..." she nodded. "Then John arrived at the worst moment and the rest is history."

"I see... so Tom is the target now."


"But I will manage it somehow."

"How?" he could see the panic in her eyes.

"I'll figure out something, don't worry. I can't let him to be the enemy..."

"That's ok, but please don't tell him that you are the one I..."

"Just leave it to me, okay?"

"Okay," she nodded while Pete just stroked her hand and there was silence for a few moments.

"I have a little remorse as a matter of fact." sighed Pete.


"Yes. I know it's a stupid thing, but when I see you with Tom, I... I feel jealousy."

"Oh, Pete... you don't have to. Really."

"I know, but..."

"I was thinking a lot on him lately. Knowing now how strong can be the feeling of being in love... and how awful could feel when that someone doesn't love you back."


"And he is such a good guy, I just wanted to comfort him a bit. But it seems I'm not too good in communication."

"It seems so..." he chuckled and put a gentle kiss to the tip of her nose when she hissed. "Sorry..."

"Never mind." she smiled then pointed to her face. "So now I have a wound on my face and you two knocked out the US President... I'd say that qualifies as a problem."

"Yeah, I think so."

"And what is more, there's something I haven't told you before..."

To be continued...

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