Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"All's clear," said Pete with a smile, while he turned onto the main road. "So you can sit up now if you want."

"Finally..." she sighed with relief.

"And I'll move over soon, so you can sit on the front seat."

"Oh, it's not necessary. I'll manage it," chuckled Sarah as she climbed over the seat, what made him laugh.

"You know it seems you are really my kind of a woman."

"And you haven't seen everything," she said flirtatiously as they exchanged a smile. "So where are we going first?... I hope to eat something, because I'm starving."

"Yes, first stop is a little restaurant near my flat, owned by a dear old couple Annie and Jack. I've known them my whole life, they're like my parents."

"Gosh, how sweet. I cannot wait to meet them... and I really hope they will not get a shock when they'll see me."

"I don't think so," chuckled Pete, "They are nearly eighty and not really interested in news or tv."


"And we're going to use the back door, so everything is planned don't worry... but can we go back to that kiss with Tom now?" he wanted to tease her.

"Um, of course."

"Tell me... do you kiss Tom often?"

She just chuckled, really enjoying the situation."What is it? Are you jealous Pete?"

"I turn back the question, do I have a reason for that?"

"Of course not... he is just so cute, does everything for me."

"Because he has a crush on you." remarked Pete, stopping the car at the red light.

"That's why I think it's a win win situation."

"And why did I never get a kiss from you like him?"

"Oh, that's simple..." she smiled, looking at him. "Because I'm in love with you." His answer was a long and sweet kiss... but soon a loud tooting woke them up from their dream world. "I think it's better if you go," she chuckled.

"Yes, it seems not everybody is in a romantic mood today," he said and moved the car. A few minutes later they arrived to the restaurant and successfully sneaked in on the backdoor.

"Pete!" cried the old lady happily.

"How you doing, Annie?" he hugged her softly.

"I've already prepared our best table in the corner," she said kindly, then turned to Sarah, "And this must be your lovely lady..."

"Hello, my name is Sarah," she smiled. "I love your place, very cosy."

"Thank you. It's Pete's favorite place."

"That's the word on the street," smiled Pete.

"You know my dear, this is very exciting for us, because Pete never brings his girls here."

"Really?" she turned to him teasingly.

"Yes, that's true." he chuckled as they sat down and got the menu.

"Oh my God, what a big menu."

"Don't bother looking, whatever you order, they'll bring you something different," remarked Pete with a smile. "I'm getting you some drink," he winked and went to the counter.

"And I'll bring you our specialty immediately," smiled the old lady to Sarah then leant closer, "He is a special guy, never let him go."

"Don't worry," she smiled back. "I won't..."

To be continued...

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