Light in the Darkness

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Light In the Darkness

I look in the mirror

Just the mirror, it's like a rewind

I can just look and see how much I've grown

How much I've learned over the past few years

I think we should rewind a bit, don't you think?

It's like I've always had people laugh at me

They think I'm weird, antisocial

Doing nothing but trying to get through day after day in school

Never had anyone to actually call friend

I thought I had friends, just to realise that they were all fake

Then I slip into loneliness again and again

I'm just crying, the tears keep falling

Drop by drop, they fall to the ground

I try to fill the loneliness with anything at all

Trying to please everyone just to hide my insecurities

Don't worry there's a light in the darkness

Even though our friendship had a lot of dark times

You still somehow brought light even to my dark place

Always listening and encouraging

Words can't describe how much I feel

I'll be eternally grateful for being the only light in my darkness

You changed everything, yes, you

Even though you don't believe it, it's true

No matter how unbelievable it seems

All I have to say is thank you

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