The Façade

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The Façade

The obvious answer to the question "How are you?"

Is "I'm fine."

Even though I'm not really fine

I hide behind a mask

Not showing how I really feel

I'm afraid of the many questions that will be asked

If I tell them how I really feel

I don't have the strength to answer all these questions

So I keep it all stuffed in

I know it's not healthy but I can't help it

I have to put on this mask

Pretending I'm happy when I'm not

And smile even through my pain

I keep deceiving everyone

Sometimes I almost deceive myself

Telling everyone I'm doing great

When I'm really not

I sometimes get tired of putting on this mask

I want to take it off and show the world the real me

Show everyone what is really happening

But every time I start to remove my mask

Fears start haunting me

And I quickly stop

But even through all the lies

Your love broke through every wall I put up

You saw through the deceit

I don't know how but you did it

You reached out to me

And pulled me out of this hypocritical life

It took a while

But I finally became used to telling the truth

Not hiding behind a mask anymore

And surprisingly it works out for me

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