Drifting Apart

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You know glue, right?

It sticks two or more objects together

After some time, the strength of the glue reduces

And these two objects can't stick anymore

Unless you re-apply this glue

I don't know why I feel this way

Or is it just me?

We aren't as close as we used to be

I think that the glue is gone, it vanished

We've become so busy that we don't even talk much anymore

It hurts, it really hurts

What happened to those days?

Those days that seem like ages ago

We could talk from morning till evening

And wouldn't even realize it

Now, we barely even spend a minute with each other

You have your life, I have mine

You have your responsibilities and I have mine

I really want us to be together, like how we used to be

I guess you're really important to me

You are a really good friend

I'll just be praying everyday 

That whatever  invisible force pulled us away

Would disappear

And that glue would stick us back together again

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