Heart Fixer

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Heart Fixer

My heart's been broken, torn apart into two

I feel so hopeless, don't know what to do

But I look above to the One who can take me through this mess

Because he's the One who knows what is best

And all things are going to work together for my good

He played with my heart like it was a game

Left me when he got the riches and the fame

Now I'm so confused, so depressed

While he's living the best of his life

Now I have to nurse my wounded heart alone

Going through all this pain is for sure not a walk in the park

I'm going to make it with all my enemies crying behind my back

So to end it all, this is all I have to say

If your heart's been broken, it's gonna be okay

Just look to the One who sits on the throne above

He's gonna fix your heart

And fill it with His goodness and love

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