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I'm going to have to say goodbye

To all the memories, both good and bad

To the laughs, the hugs, the tears

To the fun times and the dark times

It is going to be painful, I know

But our journey here has ended

And we have to go our separate ways

I'm starting to miss you already 

But you're not even gone

You're so different, so special

I know I'll never find anyone like you

You bring light when my thoughts become dark

You're the only one who helps me for get my worries

And turns my smile upside down

I'll miss our interactions and conversations

The times we talk about serious issues

And the times we just laugh and play around

Saying goodbye to you is the hardest thing I've ever done

The only thing I'll have left of you is our memories

Is our memories

I know these are not enough

Goodbye, Aurevoir, Asta la vista, Astaluego

Time has just flashed by so fast

Our journey together all too soon has to end

We're leaving each other

We're going to choose different paths

You'll forever remain in my heart

In that hidden place I'll never have to say goodbye

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